
发布 2024-02-09 01:20:07 阅读 8098



1、听音选词汇,把正确单词的序号添到题前的括号内。(10分)()a、penb、bookc、comic bookd、magazine()②a、noseb、mouth c、fingerd、tail

)③a、grandmab、grandpa c、grandfatherd、grandparents()④a、river b、mountain c、rainbow d、stream()⑤a、took b、did c、swim d、swing


)①a、3 years old b、big c、162 cm tall d、tall()②a、sick b、tired c、happy d、good

)③a、visited my grandparents b、cleaned the roomc、played football d、went hiking

)④a、no, i don’t b、yes, i didn’tc、yes, i do d、no, i didn’t

)⑤a、harbin b、xinjiang c、kunming d、shanghai


t __llerb __ggerl __ngerc __ldh**__h__ ppys__dn __seb__ red__ngry2、选出不同类的单词(10分)

)①a、penb、bookc、bagd、elephant()②a、catb、pigc、mother d、spermwhale()③a、appleb、grapes c、tvd、watermelon()④a、lakeb、coldc、warmd、cool()⑤a、playb、swimc、flyd、yellow

2、单项选择,请你将正确的选项序号放在题前的括号里。(20分)()1. i can __songs.

a . sang() 2. the party will __on july .amb .

) 3. chenjie __listening to likesc. liking() 4. look!eddie is __a dog.

a. openb. opensc. opening

) 5. she is __nan

) 6. it`s 5:00 time __go home . toc. at

) chinese hard last studying() 8. i hope you will feel __betterc. good() is __than amy .

a. oldest.

) 10. he is going to __shanghai this visitb.


aretallyouhow ?

译:hurtsmynose .

译looksadtodayyou .

译lastweekenddidwhatyoudo ?

译ifishingwentyesterday .


today①(is /was) a fun to mike’s home in the morning. i③(study /

studied) english with him. we④(read / readed ) funny tongue twisters together.

then i⑤(went /go) to a park⑥(by / buy) bike. i⑦(flew / fly)kites, it⑧(was / are) a windy

day . suddenly my kite flew into the lake.

a dog⑨(saw / see)the kite. he⑩(jump / jumped ) into the lake and swam to it . fire minutes latter, hereturned the kite me .

i was very grateful to him


linda is a girl. she is 14 years old . she is 152cm tall .

she is quiet. she likes going hiking and listening tomusic . last weekend she was ill.

she had a bad cold. she had some medicine and a good rest at home. shedidn`t do homework or housework.

today she feels better .she is doing her homework now .she is going towash her clothes this afternoon .

she will go hiking with her friends next weekend . is a quiet girl.()had a fever last weekend .

(3. linda didn`t h**e any medicine last weekend.()did her homework last weekend.

()will go hiking next weekend.()




1、听音选词汇,把正确单词的序号添到题前的括号内。(10分)()a、penb、bookc、comic bookd、magazine()②a、noseb、mouth c、fingerd、tail

)③a、grandmab、grandpa c、grandfatherd、grandparents()④a、river b、mountain c、rainbow d、stream()⑤a、took b、did c、swim d、swing


)①a、3 years old b、big c、162 cm tall d、tall()②a、sick b、tired c、happy d、good

)③a、visited my grandparents b、cleaned the roomc、played football d、went hiking

)④a、no, i don’t b、yes, i didn’tc、yes, i do d、no, i didn’t

)⑤a、harbin b、xinjiang c、kunming d、shanghai


t __llerb __ggerl __ngerc __ldh**__h__ ppys__dn __seb__ red__ngry2、选出不同类的单词(10分)

)①a、penb、bookc、bagd、elephant()②a、catb、pigc、mother d、spermwhale()③a、appleb、grapes c、tvd、watermelon()④a、lakeb、coldc、warmd、cool()⑤a、playb、swimc、flyd、yellow

2、单项选择,请你将正确的选项序号放在题前的括号里。(20分)()1. i can __songs.

a . sang() 2. the party will __on july .amb .

) 3. chenjie __listening to likesc. liking() 4.

look!eddie is __a openb. opensc.

opening() 5. she is __nan jing.

a. ) 6. it`s 5:00 time __go home . toc. at

) chinese hard last studying() 8. i hope you will feel __betterc. good() is __than amy .

a. oldest.

) 10. he is going to __shanghai this visitb. 将单词排列成正确的句子并翻译(20分)①aretallyouhow ?

译:hurtsmynose .

译looksadtodayyou .

译lastweekenddidwhatyoudo ?

译ifishingwentyesterday .


today①(is /was) a fun to mike’s home in the morning. i③(study /studied) english with him. we④(read / readed ) funny tongue twisters together.

then i⑤(went /go) to a park⑥(by / buy) bike. i⑦(flew / fly)kites, it⑧(was / are) a windy

day . suddenly my kite flew into the lake.

a dog⑨(saw / see)the kite. he⑩(jump / jumped ) into the lake and swam to it . fire minutes latter, hereturned the kite me .

i was very grateful to him

小学英语六年级下册期末复习 PEP

复习整理 小学英语六年级下册期末复习资料 pep 一 针对个人情况进行交流 提问与回答 1.询问名字 what s your name?my name s wang ling.i m charlie 2.询问年龄 how old are you?i m old is he?he...


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2009 2010学年度第二学期。小学六年级期末文化素质检测英语试题。listening part 听力部分 50分钟 一 listen and choose 听音,选出你听到的单词或词组。每小题读两遍。共10分 1 a.lightb.lamb 2.a swamb.swims c.swimming ...