PEP小学英语六年级下册期末检测题 三

发布 2024-02-09 23:25:12 阅读 7611


listening part


)1 a. animal b. middle c. still

)2 a. warm b. walk c. well

)3 a. foggy b. jog c. shout

)4 a. sunny b. rainy c. windy

)5 a. contest b. concert c. centre

)6 a.7:15 b.7:50 c.7:55

)7 a.5:50 b.6:10 c.6:50

)8 a.2nd january b. 2nd june c. 2nd july

)9 a. fly a kite b. write a card c. ride a bike

)10 a. want a pie b. watch a play c. wash a tie


)1 a. yes, he does . b. yes ,he is . c. he swims faster than wang bing .

)2 a. nan cy isn’t he**y . b. helen isn’t he**y . c. nancy is .

)3 a. this is yang ling . b. yes, this is yang ling speaking .

c. yes, that is yang ling speaking .

)4 a. you aren’t going to buy a book .

b. can you buy a storybook for me ?

c. what are you going to do?

)5 a. sorry, i don’t know .

b. about two kilometers away .

c. go along this street .


) 1. i often go skating .

) 2. i like spring best .

) 3. it’s windy .

) 4. it’s over there .

) 5. sure..

writing part


)1. panda a. tiger b. ruler c. zebra

)2. one a. three b. door c. seven

)3. white a. red b. brown c. skirt

)4. banana a. peach b. plane c. pear

)5. piano a. guitar b. blouse c. violin


)1.--i usually get up __seven o’clock in the morning.

a .at b. on c. of

)2is the coat? -thirty-five yuan, please.

a .how b. how much c. how old

)3. the brown cat is as __as the black cat.

a .fat b. fatter c. thinner

)4.--excuse me, can you tell me the way to the garden cinema?

-- let me see. you can __bus no. 5.

a .by b. take c. go

)5. -are there any students in the classroom?

-- yes, there are __students in the classroom.

a .any b. some c. a

)6.--d**id is playing __basketball in the playground.

a .a b. the c. \

)7.--h**e two storybooks, but helen __four.

a .has b. h**e c. had

)8. -yang ling is good __english, but she __not do well in pe.

a. in; do b. at; do c at; does

)9.--happyday! here __some flowers __you.

a. teacher’s; is ; to b teachers’; are; for c. teachers’; are; to

)10. -helen is talkingher parents __her birthday party.

a. to; about b. about; in c. with; for

)11.--i’d like a cake __lots of

a. h**e; strawberries b. has: strawberries c. with; strawberries

)12.--the shop is atcrossing.

a. third b. the third c. the two

)13.--it’s timelunch.

a. to b. for c. h**e

)14.--is therewater in the bottles?

a. some b. any c. a



a. it doesn’t matter. b. i’m sorry, i’m late. c. that’s all right.

)2. 当别人对你说“what’s your job?” 你可以说:

a. i’m kate. b. i’m a doctor. c. i’m li ming’s mother.

)3.当别人对你说“let’s go skating!”,你不想去可以说:

a. sorry, i can’t. let’s go. c. that’s a good idea.

)4.当你的朋友说“i’ve got a bad cough.”,你可以说:

a. how are you? b. i’m sorry to hear that. c. how do you do?

)5. 开学后,老师第一次见到同学们,会说:

a. what’s your name? b. welcome back to school, boys and girls.

c. good bye boys and girls.


1. 向右转2. look for3. 去散步4. h**e a good time5. 上车6. be quiet

7. 在……前面8. collect stamps

9. 去购物10. the great wall


three (序数he**y(比较级right ( 反义词。

do ( 三单)__early (比较级those (单数。

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