小学英语六年级下册期末复习 PEP

发布 2024-02-01 08:30:06 阅读 2941



1.询问名字:what’s your name? my name’s wang ling. i’m charlie

2.询问年龄:how old are you? i’m twelve.

how old is he? he is thirteen.

3.询问生日:when is your birthday? it’s march 12th.

4.询问职业:are you a doctor? yes, i am. no, i am not.

what do you do? i am a teacher.

what does he do? he is a vet.

5.询问身高:how tall are you? i am 158 centimeters tall.

6.询问体重:how he**y are you? i weight 60 kilograms.

7.询问喜爱的颜色:do you like red? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

does he like red? yes, he does. no, he doesn’t..

what color do you like? i like green.

what color does he like? he likes blue.

8.询问喜爱的食品:what food do you like? i like chicken.

9.询问喜爱的学科:what’s your f**orite subject? my f**orite subject is math.

10.询问喜爱的季节:what season do you like? i like spring.

11.询问喜爱的运动:what sport do you like? i like playing football.

12.询问喜爱的动物:what animal do you like? i like dogs.


what chores do you h**e to do? i h**e to walk the dog.

what chores does he h**e to do? he has to feed the fish.

14.询问更喜欢什么物品:which sunglasses do you prefer?

i prefer these.

15.询问身体状况:how are you today? i’m not well.

what’s the matter? my leg hurts.

16.询问想要的、需要的:what do you want? i want a t-shirt.

what do you need? i need flour, milk, eggs and butter.

17.询问物品拥有:do you h**e a cap? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

does he h**e a watch? yes, he does. no, he doesn’t.


what do you do on sunday? i play tennis.

what does he do on monday? he goes to school.


when do you get up? i get up at 6:00.

when does he get up? he gets up at 6:30.

20.询问现在正在做什么事情:what are you doing? i’m reading a book.

what is he doing? he is singing.


what are you going to do tomorrow? i’m going to ride a horse.

what will you do next sunday? i will go shopping.

what are you doing tomorrow? i’m going bowling.

22.询问活动的频率次数:how often do you play tennis? twice a week.

23.询问所在的地点、方位: where are you? i’m in front of the car.

where were you yesterday? i was at home.


what did you do yesterday? i went to school.

25.询问、质疑过去所做过的事情: did you go to the park last night?

yes, i did. no, i didn’t.

26.询问是谁: who’s that? that’s ann.

who’ he? he’s my father.

who was first? ken was first.


1.询问物品名称:what’s this?

it’s a pen. what are these? they are pens.

,2.询问物品数量:how many pencils are there?

there are ten.

3.询问物品价钱:how much is the book? it is ¥30.

how much are the books? they are ¥60.

how much does this belt cost? it costs ﹩35

how much do these belts cost? they cost ﹩70.

4.询问物品所属:whose computer is this? this is my computer. it’s ken’s.

whose cds are these? they are our cds. they’re ann’s.

5.询问物品颜色等特征:what color is the duck? it’s yellow.

6.询问物品位置:where is the book? it’s under the bag.


1.询问钟表时刻: what time is it? it’s 6:20.

2.询问星期: what day is today? it’s monday.

3、.询问月份日期:what’s the date today? it’s september 1st.

4.询问天气状况:what’s the weather like? it’s windy.

四)以can 开头的问句:

1.问答能力:can you swim? yes,i can. no, i can’t.

2.请求许可:can he go out after school? yes, he can. no, he can’t.

五)询问比赛规则:what are the rules? you must wear sports shoes.


i’m bored. what should i do? you should play this game.

he is tired. what should he do? he should go to bed early.

七)使用反意疑问句求证信息:i can watch tv, can’t i? yes, you can.

he isn’t a teacher, is he? no, he isn’t.


in the year 2050 life will be better. so do i. (i do, too. )

i don’t like snakes. neither do i. (i don’t, either.)




often(经常) ,usually(通常,一般) ,sometimes(有时) ,always(总是,一直) ,never(从不),表示经常性或习惯性的动作,表示现在的特征或状态,表示普遍真理。用动词原形表示,第三人称单数后,动词要在词尾加s(或es,或变y为i再加es)。如:

i often get up at 7:00.

he often gets up at 7:30.


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