
发布 2024-01-30 14:45:02 阅读 4198


一、 找出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的一项。

) 1. a. want b. what c. watch d. water

) 2. a. foot b. food c. noodle d. too

) 3. a. please b. meal c. really d. seat

) 4. a. start b. dollar c. card d. park

) 5. a. cent b. help c. enjoy d. pet


1. 可乐2. 汉堡3. 美元 __4. 美分5. 享用6. 鸭子7. 吵闹的___

8、hambur__er 9、no__sy 10、wr__og 11、baseb__ll 12、te__m

13、s__ace 14、r__ng 15、ch__ld 16、laug__


1. 享受你的饭。

2. 野餐。

3. 在十二点半。

4. 围着湖走。

5. 美好的一天。

6. 在那棵树下。

7. 打算,将要。


对应词 (现在分词。

3. you (宾格 (形容词。



) simon want ? a hot dog .

a do b does c is d. are

)2. that’s a hot dog , it __good .

a . look b. looking c. looks d. looked

)3. he drinks __milk for breakfast every morning .

a . many b. much c. any d. a

)4. how much __the pen ? it’s ten yuan .

a . be b. are c. is d. does

)5. can you help

a . she b . he c. him d. i

)6. it’s going to __tomorrow.

a . windy b . snow c. sunny d. hot

)7. it’s going to be in shanghai.

a . rain b . snow c .warm d . cloud

)8. it rain tomorrow.

a . is going b. is going to be c. going to d. will

)9. what do you want __eat ?

a .\b . at c .in d . to

)10. let’s __under that tree.

a . going b . goes c .go d . went

) matter?

a. a b. an c. the d. /

) 12. we’re going to __a baseball team.

a. h**e b. had c. has d. h**ing

) 13. i didn’t __cups’. i __caps.’

a. say, say b. said, said c. say, said d. said, say

)14. i wanted you to __the baseball caps.

a. bring b. brought c. brings d. bring to

) 15. helen keller was born __

a. in 1880 b. in 1881 c. on 1880 d. at 1880

) 16. –helen keller was a __girl.

a. blindb. deaf c. a and b d. normal

) 17. the story was __the news*****.

a. in b. on c. at d. of

) 18. ningkang wants __go __space too someday.

a. to, to b. to, intoc. into, to d. into, into

) 19. last sunday, i __my kite in the park.

a. flewb. flies c. am flying d. flying

) 20. yang liwei’s first words in space were, “

a. i feel good b. i feel nice c. i feel great d. i feel sad


1. 多少钱。

2. 我们打算吃野餐。

3. 哈尔滨将会下雪。

4. 我正在制作大明的生日卡片。

5. 他正在骑他的自行车,但是天气开始下。



xiaoyong: yes, please .


xiaoyong: i want some rice and fish.


xiaoyong: i want a cola.


waitress: they are thirteen dollars and twenty- five cents.


waitress: thank you .

a. can i help you ?

b. what do you want to drink ?

c. here you are .

d. how much are they ?

e. what do you want to eat ?


bob and sue are in the same school, 1)__they are in different 2) _3) _school, bob and sure often play games with 4) _friends.

class begins 5) _eight in the morning. now bob and sue are in their own (自己的) classrooms. they are listening to their 6)__bob’s studying english.

his teacher is speaking 7) _english. sue’s 8) _a chinese lesson. her teacher is talking 9) _writing.

they love their teachers and they like their 10) _

小学英语六年级下册期末复习 PEP

复习整理 小学英语六年级下册期末复习资料 pep 一 针对个人情况进行交流 提问与回答 1.询问名字 what s your name?my name s wang ling.i m charlie 2.询问年龄 how old are you?i m twelve.how old is he?he...


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