
发布 2024-02-09 23:25:12 阅读 7134



listening part(听力部分)

1、 listen and choose.(听音,选出所听到的单词,将序号填在括号内。)

)3. c. took

二、listen and number. (听音,据你听到的内容,给下列**标序号。)

三、listen and choose. (听问句,选答语,将序号填在括号内。)

)1. a. we went to sanyab. we went swimming.

)2. a. he took lots of pictures b. he likes dinosaurs.

)3. a. he went to the moonb. by spaceship.

)4. a. i’m ok nowb. i saw lots of grapes.

)5. a. yes, i didb. no, they didn’t.

四、listen and write. (听一听,并完成句子。)


i fell off my bike and

2. did you go to tianshan?

yes3. what did you do there?

iandwriting part (笔试部分)

五、read and choose.(读一读,选出不同类的一项,只填序号。)

( )1. a .pickedb. laugh c. saw

( )2. a. couldb. seec. went

( )3. a. beachb. mulec. horse

( )4. a. fellb. tillc. stayed

)5. a. wasb. didc. dressed

六、 look, read and write. (根据提示完成句子。)

1. what did lisa do on the labour holiday?


2. what happened, john?

i脚受伤。3. what did you do yesterday?

ifor my friends.(买礼物)

did you do last saturday?

iwith my friends.(去钓鱼)

七、look and write(看一看,写一写。)






八、look and choose. (看一看,选出最佳答案。)

( )did mr guo go last saturday? _

a. he went to a park. went hiking.

( )you___there?

we saw lots of grapes.

do( )3.__did you go with?

my parents and me.

who( )you go to beijing last week?

i did.

( )did meimei go to the zoo?

went on foot. went to hainan.

九、read and choose.(读问句,选答语,并将序号填入括号中。)

) did you go on your holiday? ok now.

) she go to fell off my bike.

) did he went to sanya.

) went by plane.

) you all did.

十、look and write.(连词成句。)

1. did mike what last do weekend (

2. did go you where (

3. you to go turpan did (

4. go did you there how (

5. we there plane by went (

十一、read and tick(√)or cross(×)阅读理解。)

monday, april,28

today was a sunny day. in the morning, robin and me walked to wu yifan’s home. it was his birthday.

i bought some dinosaurs’ pictures for him. he liked them very much. we ate the birthday cake and lunch together.

we had a good time.

) was sunday.

) was robin’s birthday.

) yifan liked the dinosaurs’ pictures very much.

) ate breakfast together.

) had a good day.




六 六年级英语下册第三单元检测题

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