
发布 2020-07-23 07:20:28 阅读 6506





) 1. a. on foot b. by bus c. by car

) 2. a. seed b. sprout c. plant

) 3. a. engineer b. writer c. salesperson

) 4. a. straight b. start c. stamp

) 5. a. watch tv b. visit my grandparents c. buy some books

) 6. a. taxib. shipc. train

) stopb. waitc. go

) hospital b. libraryc. post office

) westb. northc. east

) 10. a always b subwayc sunday


) 1. a. it comes from the cloud. b. it comes from the clouds.

) 2. a. she’s a writerb. he’s an actor.

) 3. a. yes, you canb. no, i can’t.

) 4. a. no, she doesn’tb. yes, she does.

) 5. a. you must stop at a red light. b. you can go at a red light.


) 4. a. riding a bike b. drawing pictures c. diving

) 5. a. clean his room b. clean his bikec. play computer games


) yes, she does.

) no, she doesn't. she teaches math.

) my mother is a teacher.

) does she teach you math?

) does she teach english?



) 1. do you like __

a. divingb. dive

) 2. we usually watch tv __saturday afternoon.

a. atb. on

) 3. what __your mother do?

a. dob. does

) 4. my uncle is __accountant.

a. ab. an

) 5. she sings is a __

a. driverb. singer


1. is there a near here?

2. what is she going to ?

3. what’s your hobby? i like a bike.

4. what your aunt do? she is a singer.

5. where does the rain come from? it comes from the


) 1. my father goes to work by bike.

) 2. zhang peng is going to make a card with john.

) 3. he is a doctor.

) 4. let's go to the great wall this weekend.

) 5. my aunt is an engineer.

八、 请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来。(10分)

play the violin 漫画书writer 云,云彩

ship飞机train 火车。

ride a bike轮船actress 作家。

comic book骑自行车cloud 女演员。

plane拉小提琴west 西


look, she's my best friend alice. what does she do? of course, she is a student.

her mother is an actress, her father is an actor. they go to work by bus every day. her brother mike is an engineer, he goes to work by bike.

her sister ann is a salesperson, she goes to work by bike, too. what is alice going to do this afternoon? oh, she is going to buy an english book with me.

oh, she's coming.

) 1. there are four people in alice's family.

) 2. ann is an engineer.

) 3. alice's mother goes to work by bus.

) 4. alice's father is an actor.

) 5. alice is going to buy a book this morning.


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