
发布 2020-07-09 23:54:28 阅读 1065



温馨话语:1、i believe i can! (我相信我可以!)






)1. i go to school on foot.

)2. mike is going to buy a book in the bookstore.

)3. i am going to the cinema.

)4. how can i get to the science museum?

) straight for 5 minutes.


) it’s near the park. b. it is farc. turn left at the hospital.

) some books. b. a pair of shoes. c. a postcard.

) at the cinema. near the park. c. this afternoon.

) it isb. surec yes, you can go by bike.

) go straight and turn left b. thanks c. no way



)1、a. send b. zooc. park

)2、a tonight b. tomorrow c. trip

)3、a. library b. supermarket c. together

)4、a. seeb. buyc. comic

)5、a. mooncake b. postcard c. dictionary


how what where when who

1. _is he going withhis father.

2. _are you going to doi am going to watch tv.

3. _is your schoolit’s over there.

4. _do you get up todayat 6:00.

5. _do you go to schoolon foot.


) and wait at the __a. yellow light b. green light c. red light

) you want to see a film, you can go to the __

a. hospital b. library c. cinema

)3.--can i help you

a. yes,i want to buy a book. b. here they are. c. thank you.

)4.--i am going to beijing for my holidaya. i’m sorry .

b. h**e a good timec. thank you .

)5. my brother is going to___my grandparents on saturday morning.

a. visitsb. visitc. visiting

)6. my friends___swim tomorrow.

a. go tob. are going to c. are going

)7. i am going to the museum___this afternoon.

a. onb. inc. /

)8. john is going to buy___f**ourite comic book.

a. hisb.

)9. my grandma___tell us a story.

a. go tob. are going to c. will

)10. don’t go at the red light!的意思是:

a.别闯红灯。 b. 看那是红灯。 c. 前边有红灯。


) do you come to the parka. i’m going to buy a book.

) are we goingb. next wednesday.

) are you goingc. by bike.

) are you going to buyd. to the bookstore.

) not go on tuesdaye. ok.


--excuse me. how can i get to the post office?

--first, you canand thenyou can see a hospital.

it’s next to the you can get thereget off at the hospital,and thenyou’ll see the post office .

九、排序。(5 分)

) not much. shall i go with you?

) great!

) hi! what are you going to do next week?

) sure. let’s go together.

) i’m going to the about you?


1. i am going to look for some beautiful __leaf )

2. my family __be) going to get together.

3. he __go)to school at 7:30 every day.

4. look, she is __read ) a book in the study now.

h**e to __wash) my clothes tonight.


1. he is going to buy a comic book. (用will改为同义句)

2. she is going to see a film .(改为一般疑问句)

going to see a film?

3. i go to school. (改为否定句。

post office is near the bookstore. (就画线部分提问。

5. going to、am、what、i、do、weekend、this (?连词成句)


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