
发布 2024-02-17 02:20:10 阅读 5463

学校: 班别姓名: 评分:

一. 一.听录音,选出正确的答案。(10分)

) feel sick. b. she’s bored. c. he has cold.

)2. a. i’m 50kg. 13 years old. 156cm.

) monday. june 20th. ten thirty.

) problem. right.

) are. is. they are.

二. 二.听句子两遍,写出句中所缺的单词。(10分)

1. the tiger doing?it’s __

2. like the little __than the yellow one.

3. clothes last night.

4. is an___in the box.

5. sister is a

三. 三.听短文两遍,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。(10分)

1. jun is __years old.

a.12b.13. c.14.

2. zhang peng is __cm tall.

a.166. b.156. c.158.

jun is __kg .

a.52b.62. c.56.

peng is __than liu jun.

a. taller and he**ier. b. taller and thinner. and he**ier.

jun likes___he is___


h**e a new friend.__name is amy.

the weather like today?..it’s___

you please come to my __birthday party.

like playing __piano,but i don’t like playing __football.

ab. the ,the c. the ,

5.__he___the flowers yesterday?

a. did ,watered b. did ,water ,water

can __

b. swam. c .swimming

students __on a trip last sunday.

c. went

8…._are the bananas?..they are twenty—one yuan.

much many c. what.

9…..are those japanese cars

are are c .no,they are

floor every afternoon.

a. are sweep c. sweep


___be) a student in 2006.

likes to __study) in the classroom.

___play) football every day.

english class now.

mountains next week.


is his father?

what___his father __

2. tooth hurts.

i __a __

3. time for dinner.

it’s timedinner.

4. like to buy a new bike.

i___to buy a new bike.

walked to mike’s home yesterday.

i___to mike’s homeyesterday.


jie is collecting stamps.(就划线部分提问)

went to huizhou by bus.(改为一般疑问句)

often watches tv on sundays.(改为一般过去时,用last sunday)

read books yesterday.(改为否定句)

am playing football in the park. (就划线部分提问)









linan is a good driver. he is 28 years old . he drivers a car in a machine factory .

he works from monday to friday. his home is far away from the factory. he gets up at half past six.

he goes to work at seven .at half past seven he must get there. he has no time to h**e breakfast at home.

he has lunch in the factory. he le**es the factory at five. he cooks supper and does housework in the evening .

he likes reading a lot . sometimes he watches tv. he goes to bed at about ten.

a. a worker. b. is a car driver. machine.

) saturday and sunday ,linan

a. go to work. b. goes to the factory. at home.

3so he has no time to h**e breakfast.

often gets up early. b. his factory is too far. c. he is very busy.

has lunch

a. at home b. in the factory. c. in the factory

5. he __in the evening.

a. cooks supper b. does housework c. both a and b


以“my family”为题,写一篇小短文。提示:写写家里有几口人,住**,爸爸妈妈的工作状况等等。


2018年春季期期末教学质量检测六年级。英语模拟试卷。学校 桥圩镇杨村小学出题人 谢春喜。listening part听力部分 40分 一 选一选 听录音,选出你听到的单词,将其标号填写在括号内。每小题读两遍。每小题1分,共10分 二 排一排 听句子,请你根据录音内容的顺序,给下列 标上1 5的序号...


2013 2013学年度第一学期小学六年级期末考试模拟 三 班级姓名学号。listening 40 一 听音,根据你所听到的内容勾出正确的信息。短文读两遍。10 name tom age 101112 country americachinacanada birthday february 12th...


pep小学英语六年级下册 recycle1 文林小学王月宾。单元分析 本单元是综合复习单元第一部分,话题是围绕mike一家人去昆明旅行的故事而展开的复习。其中有mike和妹妹kathy在机场谈论的对话内容,旨在复习六年级上册be going to 句型 mike丢失书包,失而复得的日记体短文,旨在复...