小学教育 2023年六年级上册英语模拟试卷

发布 2020-07-21 16:57:28 阅读 9619



主格)__2. can not (缩写形式)__3. child(复数)__



8.一个生日聚会 a lovely time

morning exercises


) please

) wherec. whatd. why

) writec. gived. light

) thankc. fatherd. think

) foodc. schoold. good







and mike___be) good friends.

is very___interest).

3not look) out of the window. look at the blackboard.

should___eating) fruit.

am from the prc. i am __china).

六、单项选择。x k m

)1. mary’s mother es from__,she is __she speaks__.

a. america, american, americab. america, american,english

c. american, america, english

)2. _ride a bike at school .

) h**e ten __

knifesc. knives

)4. _is the coat?--it’s thirty-five yuan.

manyb. howc. how much

)5. how many__are there in the box? _six.

areb. apple, there isc. apples, there is

)6. _are you going to go to shanghai?–this afternoon.

when c. who

) want __a map of china.

to buying

) you like __

) white it yours?

no, _is yellow.

)10. _your father __you to the park tomorrow?

yes, tomorrow is sunday.

takeb. did, takec. will, take

) how many apples do you want? -bplease.

a. twob. two bottlec. two bottles

) bought a new book __me.

a. aboutb. toc. for

) can help mei can’t.

a. sorryb. noc. sure

) my brother is __to his friends.

a. talkb. talkingc. talks

) is going to play __after school .

a. the pianob. pianoc. a piano

)16. -what is she doing? -she is___a picnic.

a. h**eb.

) are __the kite now.

a. flew

)18.__are the oranges?--ten yuan.

a. how manyb. how longc. how much

) _careful!

a. isb.

)20. he is riding his bikeit is starting to rain.

a .andb. butc. then.


you, a , use , can(?)

your , is, what(?)tv, last, watched, saturday(.)

man, is , the , young(.)on, where, are, your, holiday, you(?)


h**e ten apples in the basket.(对画线部分提问)

apples___you h**e in the basket?

is a photo on the desk.

thereon the desk.

tom like reading books?(作否定回答)

saw some public signs in the school.(改为否定句)

shepublic signs in the school.

went to the zoo yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)


it expensive? colour is it?c. how much is it?

d. oh, yes, it is . is it in your desk?

excuse me, where is my pencil box?

sorry, i don’t know.__1___

it’s blue.

no, it isn’t.

is it in your schoolbag?

let me h**e a look.__3___thank you.

your pencil box is a new one. _4___

no, it’s cheap.

two yuan.





英哲培训学校六年级英语 下 m2 按要求填空。s 完整形式。re 完整形式复数。复数。t 完整形式。s 完整形式 re 完整形式。重点短语。1.起床2.吃早饭。3.十一点半4.吃午饭。5.野餐6.在公园。7.在池塘里8.乌云。9.好天10.去公园。11.去学校12.踢足球。13.看看14.晚餐后。1...


2018 2018学年度第二学期。小学 英语 六年级下册 译林版 期末考试试题。听力部分 30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。每小题1分,5分 1.a.alongb.roundc.aroundd.about 2.a.cheerb.chairc...


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