
发布 2024-01-30 10:50:07 阅读 2282


1.骑自行车2. read a magazine

3.集邮4. science museum

5.漫画书5. motor cycle

7.下周8. pen pal

9.交通规则10. hong kong


ride (ing形式swim (ing形式。


****** (原形****** (原形。

their (同音词right(反义词。

doesn’t (完全形式actor (对应词。


1. father, bike, to, by, work, does, go, your

2. are, there, in, country, there, lights, every, traffic

3. your, where, mother, does, work

4. go, to, your, does, teacher, how, work, english

5. the, is, where, office, post


1. i没有)an uncle. i want to h**e an uncle.

2. she likes看) books.

3. my father often看) tv after supper.

4. tom and alice喜欢)listening to music.

5. how does she去) to school.

6. he有) a new bicycle.

7. i’m going to买) a story book.

8. it’s旁边)the hospital.

9. he dances. he is a舞蹈家).

10. she打扫)streets. she is a cleaner.


)1. does your mother wash clothes?

a. yes, she doesn’t. b. yes, he does. c. no, she doesn’t.

)2. what does tom do?

a. tom goes to school. b. tom is a boy. c. tom is a teacher.

)3. how does he go to school?

a. on feet. b. by foot. c. on foot.

)4. he likeshe likestoo.

a. make/swimming b. ******/swim c. ******/swim

)5. where is your home?.

a. it’s south of the post office.

b. i’m at home.

c. i live in the city.

you can go by the no. 15 bus..

a. can i go on foot?

b. how can i get to yongming park?

c. where is the yongming park?

)7. happy birthday.

a. happy birthday. b. thank you. c. ok.

i’m going to the zoo.

a. where are you going?

b. when are you going?

c. what are you going to do?

) are you

a. i’m little water drop.

b. who are you?

c. i’m fine.

) does he work?

a. he goes to work by bus.

b. he works in a hospital.

c. he can be a doctor.


this is billy and his brother’s bedroom. it’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁).there are two beds in the room.

there is a desk between(在……中间)the beds. there are some books on the desk. .

some are english books. some are chinese books. there is a phone on the desk, too.

there are two chairs beside the desk. one is for billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. there is a map of america on the wall.

there is a map of the world on the wall, too. billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.

46. the bedroom is small, and it’s clean

47. there are two desks in the bedroom

48. there are some chinese books on the desk

49. there are two maps on the wall

50. there isn’t a phone in the bedroom



1、 英汉互译。



ompany factory design libray stream

ride a bike seedvapour singerbank

2、 写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。

livegoteachdo watch


3、 连词组句。

1) on what do saturday are going you to morning

2) going tv together we to are watch

3) want i buy pair a shoes to of

4) can how i to get zhongshan park

5) the at lights look traffic

4、 选择。

)1. does your pen pal live shanghai?

a. onb. atc. in

) 2. my mum likes

a. swims b. swimming c. swim

) 3. what your father

a. do, do b. does, does c. does, do

) 4. she is an actress tv.

a. onb. how c. at

) 5can the water become vapour ?

a. what b. how c. who

) 6. she goes to work foot.

a. byb. withc. on

) 7. my home is very near the school. it’s not

a. near b. nextc. far

) 8. i’m going to the supermarketmy sister.

a. andb. withc. be


a: how can ithe museum?

b: go for five minutes. then

a: thank you.

b: you’re

ado you go to school?

b: i go to school

because my home is

a: what does your aunt ?

b : she’s

adoes she work?

b: shein a company.



hi,i am so happy to h**e a pen pal. my english name is mike. i live in jinan.

it is a beautiful city. i like drawing pictures and collecting stamps. my mother works in a school.

she is a teacher . she goes to work by bike. she teaches art.

she teaches me to draw sometimes. my father is an accountant. he works in a big company.

he goes to work by bus. he likes collecting things, too. but he doesn’t collect stamps, he collects coins(玉米).

he has many beautiful coins. do you like collecting things? what do you collect?

write to me when you h**e time. your new pen pal.

1) what is mike’s hobby

2 ) what does his mother do

3) how does she go to work

4) what does his father do

5) where does he work




2017 2018学年六年级上册英语复习卷。词性转换 1.place 复数 复数 复数 完全形式 同义词 对应词 同音词 形容词 同音词 对应词 front of 对应词 三单式 对应词 14.give 过去式 复数 序数词 序数词 序数词 序数词 对应词 对应词 复数 复数 复数 同音词 对应词 ...


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