
发布 2024-02-17 00:50:09 阅读 6667




)1、 a exercise b excited c expensive

)2、 a loudlyb quickly c quietly

)3、 a plentyb healthy c unhealthy

)4、 a carried b lostc dropped

)5 、 a coldb foldc hold

)6 、 a snakeb skatec swept

)7 、 a meetb makec messy

)8 、 a go home b get home c get up

)9、 a at work b at home c at the book store

)10、 a heard a noise b got a poor grade c got a kitten



carton of milk 2. at home 3. shopping mall

4. for you


)1 a he was running. b he is watching tv .

c he’s going to buy something.

)2 a yes, i didb no, i wasn’t . c yes, i am.

)3 a because i stayed up late. b because i s aw a snake.

c because i heard a noise.

)4 a turn left at the corner b yes .it is c turn for the corner.

)5 a yes .i amb. yes , he is c. no, i was not.


) how much were they ?

) i bought them at the grocery store.

) they were 100 dollars.

) where did you buy those skirts?

) that’s very expensive.



my homeworkc.担心的;担忧的。


with relativese.一束花。


bunch of flowersg.迅速地。




)1 a. laugh b. watches c. dig d. eat

)2、a. ship b. plane c. train d. cake

)3. a. slowly b. quickly c. big d. loudly

)4. a. toothpaste b. milk c. cola d. chocolates

)5. a. bookstore b. hair salon c. toy store d. lunch time


1. there __is, are) many fish in the pool.

2. go straight __to , in ) the bus stop.

3. did you __stay, stayed) at home yesterday?

4. ben __plays, play) the piano everyday.

5. did you get __some, any) milk.



a. lisa was laughing loudly. b. lisa was talking loudly.

c. lisa clapping loudly.


a. are they working? b. are they shouting?

c. what are they doing?

)3、妈妈问你,where were you yesterday? 你会回答说:

was waiting for my friend. b. i was at the hair salon

c. i bought some candy.


a. i h**e too much cola. b. what’s wrong with you ?

c. too much cola isn’t good for you .


a. how do you go to guangzhou? b. how do you go to shanghai?

c. how do you go to shandong?

)6.、what did you do last night? iclothes.

a. was washing b. wash c. washed

)7apples are there ? there are 20 .

a. how much b. how many c. how

)8he’s my father .

a. who’s he ? b. who’s she ? c. what does he do ?

)9.、look! gogo is very happy . he’s laughing

a. slowly b. loudly c. quickly

)10.、why are you excited

a. because i heard a noise. b. because i lost my keys.

c. because i won the game.


1,who your the is youngest in class ?

2, the what weather like will tomorrow be morning ?


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