
发布 2020-02-12 06:48:28 阅读 2206




一、 听句子三次,找出句子中所含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。8%


三、 听问句三次,选出相应的答语, 把所选答案的字母编号写在括号内。6%


1. sally’s birthday isshe’s going to h**e a

2. he looksi’mabout him.

3. there arethan oneand eighty books in that library.

4. judy has longbig blue eyes and a small

pink flower isthat blue flower .


)1、 it was november the 4th yesterday

)2、 linda got up at six thirty yesterday

)3、 linda went to school at eight fifteen

)4、 linda class lasted from eight to twelve fifty

)5、linda played badminton with her friends after school yesterday


六。 认真朗读下列单词,把单词的字母编号按类别写在相应的括号里,每词只选一次。 8%


1. how old are you?

2. who’s your hero?

3. how many days are there in a week?

4. what’s your f**ourite subject?

5. what did you do yesterday evening?

6. what’s the capital of japan?

7. when is the teacher’s day?

8. what animals are the biggest in the world?

9. what does your mother do?

10. did you go to school on foot or by motorbike this morning?

八。 选择最佳的答案填空。12%

) isold man under the tree.

a .a b .an c .the

) 2 .tom: would you like __orange juice, ann ?

ann: no , thanks .

a .a b .some c .any

) 3. whereyou yesterday morning? i was in the library.

a . was b . were c .are

) 4 .there are some __on the hill .

a . sheep b horse c goat

( )5 .we can hand __our homework on time.

a. in b. at c. on

) 6 .tom is fromhe speaks

a england, english b. english, english c .english, the uk

) 7 .amy: which are __animals in the world ?

bob : giraffes.

a . tall b . taller c . the tallest

) 8 my brother doesn’t like dancing, his brother doesn’t like dancing ,_

a too b. to c .either

) 9. tom’s sister __to school yesterday.

a go b went c goes

) 10 ken __guangzhou zoo by bus next sunday .

a. visit b. visits c. is going to visit

)11___was a great chinese revolutionary leader. he was born in 1893 .


语文模拟题 一 一 请你按要求选择一个恰当的答案,把序号填在 里。22分 1.下列四组词语中,带点字注音有误的一组是 a 调 ti o 节泪潸潸 sh n b 挪 nu 移优雅 y c 一缕 l u 炊烟演绎 sh d 漩 xu n 涡旋 xu n 转。2.概括 这个词语,读音正确的一组是 a k ...


亲爱的同学 通过努力学习,你一定掌握了许多知识和本领,这儿将为你提供个问号个了一个展示自我的舞台!相信你一定能发挥出自己最好的水平!加油!一 填空。每空1分,共18分。1 十九亿八千零四十万零五,写作把它改写成以 万 为单位的数是万,再 四舍五入 到亿位是 亿。3 把 2吨 500千克 化成最简单的...


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