
发布 2020-07-18 21:10:28 阅读 7238


一、 听力部分(30分)

. 根据你听到的单词,判断所给**正误。正确的在**下面括号内打“√”错误的打“×”5分)

. 根据听到的句子,给下面的**排序(5分)

. 把听到的单词序号写在题前的括号内(5分)

1. a miss b mess c mistake

2. a understand b practise c flew

3. a water b waiter c worker

4. a noise b voice c noisy

5. a 2003 b 1880 c 1809

. 听对话,用数字给下面的对话排序(5分)

) 1. you love baseball.

) 2. who g**e it to you?

) 3. what’ s this?, daming?

) 4. it’ s for playing baseball.

) 5. simon’ s family g**e it to me.

. 听问句,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内(5分)

) 1. a sorry, i can’ t. b yes, i can

) 2. a i’ m listening to music. b she’ s sleeping

) 3. a because it’ s going to rain b because it’ s going to be hot

) 4. a yes, i did b sorry, i don’t know

) 5. a at eleven b see a tiger

. 听短文,判断句子正误。正确的打“√”错误的打“×”5分)

) 1. pater was an old man.

) 2. pater’s mother was a young woman.

) 3. pater and his mother had little money.

) 4. they had an old horse.

) 5. often they had no food for dinner.

二、 笔试部分

. 根据句意及字母提示,填写下列单词中所缺的字母(10分)

1. the kite is flying a _

2. daming is playing the tbut the phone is ringing.

3. i byou this book yesterday.

4. shenzhouⅴ f_ _into space.

5. l_ _she could read and write.

6. what’s the matter? why are you l

7. i’m really e

8. what are you going to s_ _

9. helen keller bblind and deaf.

10. yang liwei made a v_ _and he is very famous.

. 选词填空,把正确答案写在句中横线上(10分)

on, at, under, in, with

1. i’ m going to h**e lunch___12:00.

2. i’ ll go there___my parents.

3. i am __the train.

4. _this photo, the sun is shining.

5. pigs are sleeping___that tree.

looks interesting, walk around, be hot, in the water, going down

1. we are going tothe lake.

2. it’s going toin beijing.

3. it4. the train isa hill.

5. the ducks are swimming

. 选择填空:将正确答案的序号填入题前的括号内(10分)

) 1.—how much is it

a. it’ s 3.75 dollars b. at twelve c. it’ s six o’ clock

) 2. these ducks are very __

a. noise b. noisy c. noised

) 3. i had a very funny day___saturday.

a. on b. at c. in

) 4. i’ m __daming’ s birthday card.

a. make b. made c. ******

) 5. the apples are falling __the stairs.

a. up b. down c. away

) 6. i’ m getting __the bus.

a. off b. of c. down

) 7. she is talking to her friend, _the phone is ringing.

a. and b. but c. now

) 8. russia___the first animal into space.

a. send b. sending c. sent

) 9. he___china’ s first man in space.

a. is b. was c. are

) 10. he was very pround___his father.

a. of b. on c. about

. 选择所给单词适当形式填空(10分)

) 1. i’ m going to __english. a. study b. studying

) 2. i __a cola. a. want b. want to

) 3. i’ ll___you, too. a. missing b. miss

) 4. it’ s going to___a. be rain b. rain

) 5. i __baseball. a. love b. loves

) 6. when __he born. a. was b. is

) 7. she lived to___87. a. is b. be

) 8. we___home. a. went b. went to

) 9. yang liwei __from liaoning. a. is b. are

) 10. the dog___a. stop b. stops

. 情景对话:选出正确的句子补充对话(5分)

simmon:when are we going to eat, mum?

mumsimmon: what time is it?


mum:we’re going to walk around the lake.


mum: no, it’ s a beautiful day

a. let’ s go.

b. but it’ s going to rain soon.

c. what are we going to do now?

e. at half past twelve.

. 连词成句(10分)

1. are the picnic ducks eating our

2. away the are flying balloons

3. looking am window i of am out

4. she see not and could she could hear not

5. you it to who g**e ?

. 阅读短文,把下列句子补充完整(10分)

boys and girls, do you remember the earthquake in whenchuan(汶川大**)? we will remember the time forever(永远), 14:28 on may,2008.

premier wen jiabao(温家宝总理) went there by plane. many people went to s**e(救援) hurt(受伤的) people. all the chinese people g**e food and clothes to the people in sichuan.

many people were s**ed, but many people lose their lives(遇难) and lots of houses were damaged(损坏). let’ s help them!


期末模拟试卷。时间 100分钟总分 100分命题人 a 一 填空 23分 1 15 0.4成。2 一辆汽车小时行60千米,每小时行 千米,行1千米需 小时。3 汽车从甲地到乙地,前2.4小时行了全程的60 这样还要 小时才能到达乙地。4 比 少70 的数是72,甲 乙是5 4,乙数比甲数少 5 完成...


北师大版小学数学六年级毕业模拟卷 一 填空题。每空1分,共20分 1 把4米长的绳子平均分成9段,每段是全长的 每段长 米。2 a和b都是自然数,且a b 8,那么a和b的最大公约数是 它们的最小公倍数是 3 312 0.75折。4 如果a 7 b 6,那么a b 5 一个圆柱体削去12立方分米,正...


六年级下册语文期末检测5 90分钟,满分100分,含书写5分。一 语言积累与运用 35分 1 看拼音写词语 5分 zh ng r ng c n b o d ng ji ng ch u y r ng y 2 划去带点字的错误读音 6分 歉疚 ji ji维吾尔 w w一铺炕 p p 花圃 p p漩涡 x...