
发布 2024-02-13 09:30:11 阅读 4369


happy ( park (


1. look, the girlssing) now.

2. peterwantwrite) a letter to his friend.

3. would you likejoinwe)?

aboutgo) for a walk around the lake?

5. whatdo) she usually do? she usuallycatch) insects.

6. theyh**e) a picnic this weekend.

7. i likeswim) very much.


evening ,tom去散步) around the lake with his parents.

is独生子) in his family.

is 40 cm taller than me

liutao run as fast asgaoshan?yes,he does.

students去远足) next week.

along this streetand then turn right在第二个十字路口).the shopping center is在你的左边)。

bag is he**ier你的还是麦克的)?


) 1is she? -she is twelve years old.

a. how many b. how old c. how much

) 2. it is __hotter in summer than in lianyungang.

a. veryb. muchc. too

) 3. –how do you __your weekends?

i usually go to the supermarket.

a. dob. spendc. make

) 4. –where’s the train station, please?

you can take bus no. 1 and __at the third stop.

a. get onb. get offc. get to

) 5. –what’s the __like in spring here? -it’s sunny and warm.

a. dayb. datec. weather

) 6wrong with youi’ve got a cough.

a. what’sb. where’sc. which

) 7. we __a play tomorrow. will you please join us?

a. are going to see b. sawc. sees

) 8. –what would youi’d like some bread and milk.

a. dob. likec. h**e

( )9. –what’s youri like listening to music.

a. nameb. hobbyc. job

) 10. –where __your friend liveshe __in london.

a. do, liveb. does, livesc. is, live


an, envelope, some, and, writing *****, i, please, mum(?)


) do you want to write to?

) date is it today?

) is your birthday?

) is the weather like today?

) are you going to do next week?

) day is it today?

is monday.

are going to see a play.

is sunny and warm.

is the 23rd of june.

is on the 18th of october.

best friend ,mike.



___you look


father isor

-__father ismy father.


isfrom here?

it is.不久,我就要完成小学学业,进入中学。

i willand go

八 、完形填空:阅读短文,并从四个选项中,选择正确的答案。(每空1分,共10分)

my father __1___a good friend in the factory (工厂). he is sixty. he is an old man.

all of the children like him. we call __2___uncle sam. he __3___from england.

he __4___in sichuan. he can’t __5___chinese. we teach(教) him chinese __6_he __7_ us english.

he __8___work __9_ sundays. he __10___****** things. and he likes watching tv with his children at night

)1. a. h**e b. h**es c. has d. is

)2. a. he b. they c. him d. his

)3. a. come b. comes c. goes d. to come

)4. a. live b. living c. lives d. to live

)5. a. speak b. tell c. say d. talk

)6. a or

) teach teach

)8. a. do b. don’t c. does d. does not

)10. a .likes b. like c. to like d. liking


a dear kate,how are you ? i am writing to you in my school. this school is great.

there are 900 students in my school. i like the teachers. the other students are very friendly.

they teach me chinese and i teach them is a small river behind our school. the water is clean. we can swim in are no classes on sundays.

we stay at home and watch tv. my father and mother go shopping on sundays. they all like can speak chinese now.

i can write my name in chinese, too.

六年级语文试卷 长春版小学语文六年级上册阅读竞赛试卷

2011 2012学年度 上 六年级语文竞赛试卷。一 课内阅读。可怜的小女孩!她又冷又饿,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走。雪花落在她的金黄的长头发上,那头发打成卷儿披在肩上,看上去很美丽,不过她没注意这些。每个窗子里都透出灯光来,街上飘着一股烤鹅的香味,因为这是大年夜 她可忘不了这个。她的一双小手几乎冻僵了。啊,...

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