
发布 2024-01-29 18:45:02 阅读 4548




bathr m (浴室) cl n(干净的) w sh (洗)

t let (厕所) st ve(火炉) k tchen (厨房) umb__lla(雨伞) w t(湿的) sh pe (图形tr___ngle (三角形)


)1 a peas b onions c shower d cabbage

)2 a breakfast b time c lunch d supper

)3 a line b shape c circle d square

)4 a teacher b doctor c man d bus driver

)5 a bed b lamp c dresser d room


1 dirty(反义词2 bus(复数。

3 wet(反义词4child(复数。

5 h**e(单三6 第一人称(be动词。

7 sit(现在分词8 i (物主代词。

9 too(同音词10 thank you(同义词)__


)1 let’s h**e some funs

a b c )2 the red pencil is my.

a b c )3 i’m wash the dirty dishes.

a b c )4 this is me bus driver.

a b c )5 today is september one

a b c五、单项选择(12×1.5=18分)

)1 it’s 7:30. timeto school.

a go b goes c to go d going

)2. is your father a teacher __a driver?

a. and b. or c. of d. at

( )3 whoto learn a new song?

a want b do c wants d is want

)4 mum iseggs on the stove.

a cook b cooks c cooking d to cook

)5 my family lives in apartment.

a a b an c the d for

)6 __is my friendname is li ming.

a he, his b she her c he, my d she, his

)7 there are threein my family.

a people b people’s c peoples d peoples’

)8 how olddanny?

a be b is c ared am

)9 i wouldeggs for my breakfast.

a to like b likes c like d liked.

)10 i want everyone to sing

a loud b loudly c quite d quick

)11. is this his book? no,it’s___

a. my b. mine c .your

)12. these are __

a. man b. girl c. women


1. li ming always (wash) his hands before lunch.

2. this is (my) coat ,that one isyour).

3. liming (be) from china.

4. my mother iscook) meat on the stove.

5. jenny isplay) the piano now.

6do) danny like to sing a song?

7. limingcome) to canada yesterday.

8. today issun).


hands are脏的).

take a u校车)to school.


are many邮票).

洋葱)are in the冰箱).

回家).many linesa组成一个三角形)?

(找)the tv.


) a good is writing a letter.

) i help you.

) would you like? great.

) is liming doing?

) you like china?

) old are eggs,please.


1. this is his book. (改为一般疑问句)

2. this is a pencil. (改为复数)

3. it’s rainy . 对划线部分提问)

4. we are going to make a chart. (改为同义句)


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