
发布 2024-01-29 18:40:02 阅读 4260







)1. a. summerb. winterc. window

)2. a. warmb. workc. cold

)3. a. driverb. blackc. doctor

)4. a. planeb. chinac. america

)5. a. cleverb. naughty c. teacher

.根据句子的意思,选择正确的**。请将正确答案的标号填入题前的括号内。 (每小题1分,共5分)

bcde ) 6. –where did you go last weekend? -we went to beijing.

) 7. i am very hungry now. i want to eat some noodles.

) 8. there are five people in my family.

) 9. london is the capital of england.

) 10. –when did you come back? -i came back at ten past ten last night.

.单项选择。请将正确答案的标号填入题前的括号内。 (每小题1分,共10分)

)11. –where is the dog? -it’s the chair.

a. underb. forc. of

)12. -what does she like? she oranges.

a. likeb. don’t like c. likes

)13. -what will she do next weekend

a. she plays basketball. b. she will go shopping. c. she visited her grandma.

)14. the girl isthan her friend.

a. shortb. longerc. taller

)15will it be cold in hainan tomorrow?

a. yes, it isb. yes, it doesc. yes, it will.

)16. -sam had too many biscuits yesterday, today he has got a stomachache.

a. sob. becausec. or

)17. -whatcan you see? -i can see an elephant.

a. colourb. animalc. fruit

)18. lingling canthe clothes by herself.

a. get on well with b. turn on turn offc. put on take off

)19. -i think this girl isthan the boy.

a. betterb. goodc. bad

) 20spring, daming often flies kites in the park.

a. onb. underc. in

. 请选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。每个只限用一次。(每小题1分,共5分)

21. youhold my hand, then cross the road.

22. there aren’tpencils for everyone.

23. how muchdo you want?

24. it will bein haikou tomorrow.

25. –how do you feel? -i feel

. 从右栏中找出适合左栏的答语,请将其标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共5分)

) 26. when did you come backa. i am going to the park.

) 27. can she run fastb. i came back last year.

) 28. what time does your school start? c. yes, she can.

) 29. did you wash my dress, mum? d. no, i didn’t.

) 30. where are you goinge. at seven forty.

. 情景交际。根据对话内容, 选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。


sam: mum, look! lingling has got some photos.


lingling: of course. here you are.


lingling: we went to sanya.

sam: did you go with your parents.

lingling: 33

sam: 34

lingling: yes, i do. sanya is very beautiful.

sam: 35

lingling: we went there in july last year.


文昌学校小学六年级英语期末考试。姓名成绩。1 默写字母表。26 2 用以下的单词进行填空。10 he y tall long big 1 how is the yellow river?2 how is mr.green he is 175 cm.3 how are your feet i wear...


六年级英语下册小升初英语冲刺模拟题。班级姓名分数。一 找出画线部分读音不同的单词,并把标号填入题前括号内。5分 1.a.banana b.cap c.glass d.father 2.a.happy b.any c.hurry d.yellow 3.a.much b.bus c.mug d.rule...


动词词组。go swimming 去游泳。go skating 去滑冰。play basketball 打篮球。play football 踢足球。play baseball 打棒球。play ping pong 打乒乓球。go boating 去划船。do morning exercises 做早...