
发布 2024-01-29 18:40:02 阅读 1432

毕业班科学质量监控试卷2013 .5

i.正确抄写下列单词或词组 (注意大小写、书写格式)。(4分)

kitebluein mayi’m five.


a) )1. get upa.骑自行车。

) carb.起床。

) benc.大本钟。

) a biked.过得愉快

) a good timee.坐小汽车

b) )6. 吃午饭a. play basketball

)7. 在动物园b. mid-autumn day

)8. 中秋节c. in the zoo

)9. 打篮球d. h**e lunch

)10. 弹钢琴e. play the piano


a) )1. how are youa. my name is sally.

) your nameb. i’m fine, thanks.

)3. can you singc. yes, i can.

) is the parkd. turn right .

b) ) old are youa. it’s wang tao’s.

)6. do you like bananasb. thanks.

)7. whose t-shirt is thisc. i’m thirteen .

)8. your skirt is beautifuld. no, i don’t.


a. cloudyb. grapesc. turn left

d. policemane. i’m from england.


)1. 问候对方的身体状况,你应该说:

a. hellob. how are you?


a. go straightb. sorry , i don’t know.

)3. 对方向你表示感谢,你应该说:

a. you’re welcomeb. thank you.

)4. 母亲节到了,我们跟妈妈说:

a. happy birthdayb. happy mother’s day!

)5. 当我们向对方说“请问,打扰了”,应该怎么说?

a. how are youb. excuse me.

)6. 询问对方今天天气怎么样,应该怎么说?

a. how is the weather today?

b. how many?

)7.询问裙子的颜色 ,应该怎么说?

a. what color is the skirt? b. what’s the time?

)8. ben打**时,询问sally 在吗,应该怎么说?

a. may i use your pen,sally?

b. may i speak to sally, please?


)1. 我喜欢跑步。

a. i like singing.

b. i like the holiday.

c. i like running.

)2. 别担心!

a. come on!

b. i don’t like it .

c. don’t worry!

) go swimming.

a.我将去游泳。 b. 我不去游泳。 c.我将去长城。

)4. what’s your f**orite month?

a. 你最喜欢哪个月?

b. 你最喜欢什么运动?

c. 你最喜欢什么天气?

)5. there are four seasons in a year.

a. 一天有24个小时。 b. 一年有四季。 c.一周有七天。


.略。.1-5 becad 6-10 dcbae

. 1-4 bacd 5-8 cdab

. bcaed

.1-8 bb ab ba ab

.1-5 ccaab


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