
发布 2024-01-22 19:25:12 阅读 5335





命题人: 温秋霞。








)1.a、sure. b、thank you very much. c、ok. d、let’s go.

)2.a、speaking. b、i’mc、here. d、yes,i’m.

)3.a、it’s thursday. b、it’s june 1st. c、it’s windy.

d、it was the fourth of july .

)4.a、hunan. b、gangdong. c、beijing. d、chongqing.

)5.a、yes,i do. b、no,we can’t. c、yes ,i’d love to. d、boring.

)6.a、spring festival. b、christmas. c、 easter. d、halloween.


1、he is aandman. he is my hero.

2、samhe couldin the sky with his family.

3、annie was verywhen shethe broken tree.

4、in 1976, the chinese peopletheirzhou enlai .

5、his uncleawhen he was young.

6、i’m sure thein red will __the race.


) swam this morning. played football this morning.

borrowed stories books this morning.

) mike himself. father . c. mike’s mother.

) 7:45am b.8:45am c. 8:15am

) 45 years. b. for 25 years . c. for 35 years.

) is a famous footballer. is the first chinese spaceman.

is the great leader of china .

五、听短文三次,判断听到的内容是否符合短文内容,若符合写“t”,否则写“f”。 5分)

)1. george washington was born in 1723.

) studied hard at school and learned a lot at school.

) was the president of the usa for 8 years.

) died when he was 67 years old.

) washington was the father of america.



a. writer b. music c. pig d. english e. beef f. tiger g. mouse

h. flower i. science j.

painter k. tree l. bread m.

horse n. lily o. noodles p.

rice q. grass s. maths


( )1、tom ishonest boy.

a. ab. anc. the

( )2、mao zedong was born1893. he was the great


a. in, ofb. in,toc. on, of

( )3、the play isi’m so

a. boring, bored b. bored, bored c. boring, boring

( )4、the canadians speak

a. english and french b. english c. french

( )5、you are than your mother. but your father is the in your family.

a. tall, tallest b. taller, taller c. taller, tallest

( )6、mikethe tree last week. and heit next week.

a. waters, watering b. watered, waters c. watered, will water

( )7、i likewhat about

a. swim, him b. swimming, he c. swimming, him

( )8、there aremonths in a year. december is themonth of the year.

a. twelve, twelve b. twelve, twelfth c. twelfth, twelfth

( )9、they are waitinga busthe bus-stop.

a. for, inb. for, atc. on, at

)10、what would you like? i’d like

a. two piece of bread b. two piece of breads c. two pieces of bread

) 11is the first day in a week.

) 12the children going to the park ? yes, they, ,is

) 13some orange juice on the table.

a. there isb. there are c. h**e

) 14、mr green comes fromhe is an

a. australia, australian b. american, america c. england, england

) 15、--could you help me, mr black?


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