
发布 2020-07-20 21:29:28 阅读 2905




听与说listening and speaking(40分)


)1. abc.

)2. abc.

)3. abc.

)4. abc.

)5. abc.


)1. 当你想询问别人是怎样来上学的时候,你可以怎样问?

)2. 当你想知道你的好朋友周末打算干什么,你可以怎样说?

)3. 当天气很冷的时候,你的爸爸要出门上班去,你可以怎么说?

)4. 当你想表达你比你的弟弟高,你应该怎样说?

)5. 当别人赞美你的时候,你可以怎样回答?


)1. a. i’m a coach b. yes,i did c. i like dancing

)2. a. at 7:30 b. with my mother c. by bike

)3. a. visit my grandparents b. by plane c. i don’t know

)4. a. mr wu b. she is reading c. no, i don’t

)5. a. h**e an art class b. went camping c. in the post office


)1. a. b. c.

)2. a. b. c.

)3. a. b. c.

)4. a. b. c.

)5. a. b. c.

读和写reading and writing(60分)


come and look at the pictures from my brother in the usa!


)1. a. went b. felt c. taking

)2. a. subway b. comic book c. taxi

)3. a. say b. angry c. sad

)4. a. ruler b. shoes c. earser

)5. a. friday b. tuesday c. june


) mother is a___

a. doctor b. teacher c. worker

) can i buy a __

a. book b. post card c. bottle

) often go to school___

a. by bus b. by bike c. on foot

) are going to __in this afternoon.

a. dancing b. drawing c. playing football

) weekend, i

a. washed the clothes b. watched tv c. read a book


) about your family please.

a. 关于 b. 大约 c. 喜欢。

) is tuesday.

a. 周四 b. 周三 c. 周二。

) americans took about five days to get to the moon.

a. 花费 b. 购买 c. 带走。

) i go to school on foot.

a. 经常 b. 有时候 c. 常常。

) me ,how can i get to the railway station?

a. 谢谢你 b. 打扰一下 c. 没关系。

) fell off my bike yesterday.

a. 从…落下 b. …的 c. 在…上面。

) go cycling together.

a. 去远足 b. 去骑自行车 c. 去野餐

)8. the sun goes down in the west everyday.

a. 东面 b. 北面 c. 西面。

)9. my brother was born in july.

a. 八月 b. 六月 c. 七月。

) going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

a. 参观 b. 看望 c. 浏览。


) the traffic light is red, we should __and wait.

a. go straight b. stop c. slow down

)2. mr green often __to school .

a. walks b. went c. go

) you likestory books?

a. read b. reads c. reading

) jie __on the playground.

a. running b. runs c. is running

) 165cm are 160 cm tall. so you are __than me.

a. taller b. shorter c. older

)6. this is zhangpeng. he __from shanghai.

a. am b. is c. are

) no computers in my grandfather’s time.

a. was b. are c. were

) sarah! your dress is nice.

saraha. thank you b. no,i don’t c. ok

)9.__sundays, my fater often go fishing with mr wu.

a. in b. on c. off

) don’t like __because it is too cold.

a. summer b. spring c. winter


you what do ?

going the to am supermarket tomorrow .

your than feet bigger mine .

you weekend do what last ?

my i bike fell yesterday .


a. what are you going to do?

b. who are you going with?

c. ok! you too. bye.

d. where are you going on your holiday?

e. yes, i am.




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