
发布 2020-07-20 21:16:28 阅读 9243


一. 请写出相邻的字母(5分)


i ipp

二. 连词成句,并且注意书写格式。(5分)

例:i/ football/ like i like football.

1. monkey/that / fat/is

2. i/bikes/like/don’t/riding

i / get up/at


a. bike b. elephant c. swimming

1. that __is big2. lingling goes to school by __

3. i’ve got a new4. i like

四.阅读,并根据文章内容选择正确答案,正确的用(t),错误的用(f )。5分)

amy has got a bike. she goes to school by bike. sam hasn’t got a bike.

he goes to school by bus. mr smart has got a car. he goes to work by car.

ms smart hasn’t got a car. she walks to work.

( )1. sam hasn’t got a bike.

( )2. amy walks to school.

)3. amy goes to school by bike.

)4. mr smart has got a car.

) smart hasn’t got a car.

)6. ms smart goes to school on foot.


一、read and choose:看图读句子,在**下填出相匹配的句子番号。(6分)

a. the elephant is big. b. the bird is small. c. this girl is short.

d. that tree is talle. this panda is fat. f. the doctor is thin


) the time? a. yes, he does.

) he like basketball? b. no, i don’t.

) you like apples? c. it’s ten o’clock.

) your f**ourite song? d. they are lions.

) it fat? e. it’s the abc song.

) are they? f. no, it is.

三、read and choose:读句子,选择正确的译句。(4分)

)1、that apple is green.

a. 这个苹果是绿色的。 b. 那个苹果是绿色的。c. 这个苹果是红色的。

) 2、do you like skipping?

a. 你喜欢跳绳吗? b. 你喜欢游泳吗? c. 你喜欢骑自行车吗?

) 3、tom goes to school at seven o’clock.

a. 汤姆七点钟回家。 b. 汤姆七点钟睡觉。 c. 汤姆七点钟去上学。


沙洋县2015年小学六年级考试命题大赛 英语 试卷。亲爱的同学们,通过小学六年的学习和生活,大家一定在各方面得到了锻炼和成长。在这挥手告别童年,准备步入中学时代的日子里,让我们一起来接受一下小小的检阅,测试一下我们的英语水平吧。一定发要自信 认真!祝大家好运哦!听与说listening and sp...


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