
发布 2024-01-29 18:40:02 阅读 3238




he**y tall long big

1、how __is the yellow river?

2、how __is mr. green ? he is 175 cm.

3、how __are your feet ? i wear size 18.

4、how __is the fish? it's 2 kg.


1.( i can __songs.

a . sing b. sings c . sang

2. (tom lost his book. he's so sad. we can say he is feeling

a. black b. red c. blue

3. (one meter is___centimeter.

a. 10 b. 100 c. 1000

4.( tom is 160cm tall. sarah is 157cm. so __

a. tom is taller than sarah.

b. tom is shorter than sarah.

c. tom is 3cm shorter than sarah.

5.( let’s

do homework b. do homework c. do homeworks d. does homework

6.( we stay __home __sundays.

a. at, on b. in, on c. at, in d. on, on

7.( look __the picture and talk __it.

a. of, in b. at, to c. at, about d. in, about

8.( i often __tv on sunday evening.

a. see b. watch c. look d. look at

9.( 当你的好朋友总是运气不佳时,你最应该对他说:__

a. enjoy yourself. b. h**e a good time!

c. good luckd. it's very kind of you.

10.( 在公众的节日中回答别人的祝福,可说:__

a thank you. b. that's ok. same to you. d. quite right.


1、( i am going in a big trip改正。

a b c d

2、( how do lucy feel? she looks sad. 改正。

a b c de

3、( i am sorry too hear that改正。

a b c d

4、( what do you do last weekend改正。

a b c d

5、( i am 4 cm tall than liming改正。

a b c d


( )what did you do yesterday1) i’m 160 cm tall.

( )how did you go there2) i went to a post office.

( )where did you go3) i h**e a sore throat.

( )how tall are you4) no, i didn’t.

( )what’s the matter5) yes.

( )which dog is he**ier6) she feels happy.

( )how does amy feel7) the yellow one is he**ier.

( )can you fly8) i went there by bike.

( )do you h**e a sore throat9) i watched tv.

( )did you go hiking yesterday10) no, i can’t.


1、monday 是“星期一”的意思。

2、saturday 是“星期六”的意思。







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