
发布 2024-01-29 18:35:02 阅读 7252



1.手机,手提**5. new year's day

2. 脱下6. make noise

3. 和……一样7. police station

4. 在……前面8. middle school


)1.--hello! may i speak to nancyis nancy speaking.

a. itb. thatc. this

)2is it today? -it's the 18th of june.

a. whatb. what date c. what day

)3you like some orange juice? -yes, i'd love to.

a. dob. arec. would

) can't find my camera, but it __in my bag just now.

a. wasb. werec. is

)5are my gloves? -under the school bag.

a. when b. wherec. how

) jumps __than some of the boys in his class.

a. highb. as high as c. higher

)7.--what___tom usually do on sunday? -he usually __football.

a. does; plays b. do; playc. is; playing

)8. i had a big lunch __my family last christmas.

a. atb. withc. in


school bag is he**ier, yours ormy; mine)?

re from the uk. we speakenglish; england).

tao is good atmake; ******) model planes.

did you do last week? iwatched; am watching) a film.

can get off at thethree; third) stop.

miss licomes; is coming).

are)some bread on the table.

books are on the ground. can you pickthey; them) up for me?



would you like __a __present?

---i'd __a wallet.


you spend your weekend, wang bing?

---sometimes i gohow __you?


excuseyou __me the __to the station,please?


spring 's a sunny morning on sunday. mr. smith and his family take a walk in the park.

on the right of the park, there is a shopping centre. on the left, there is a big lake. there is a small hill beside the lake.

near th lake, there is a sign. it says"don't fish in the lake!" there is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park.

mr. smith and his family h**e a good time. in the afternoon they le**e the park and go home.

on the way , they see two americans, a woman and a man. the woman is taller than the man, but the man is fatter than the woman. they look funny.


)'s a sunny sunday morning in spring.

) smith and his family take a walk in the shopping centre.

) sign means people shouldn't fish in the lake.

) see two americans in the park.

) american man is shorter than the american woman.



1. mobile phone off front of

5. 元旦 6. 发出(喧闹)声音 7.警察局;派出所 8.中学。





1. what; as; birthday ; like 2. how; do; swimming; about

3. me; can; tell; way



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