
发布 2024-01-29 18:35:02 阅读 8691





) 1. a. dancerb. doctor

( )2. a. coffeeb. tea

( )3. a. shorterb. stronger

( )4. a. go shopping b. go fishing

( )5. a. watching tv b. watching a film

( )6. a. sunnyb. snowy

( )7. a. tomatob. eggplant

( )8. a. headb. hand

( )9. a. springb. winter

( )10. a. fourb. forty


. 判断。听短文判断对错。10’



)1. a. fatherb. samec. daughter

)2. a. fish b. arm c. leg

)3. a. swim b. bird c. pig

)4. a. blue b. orange c. cow

)5. a. sunny b. rainyc. reporter



is this?__

is brown. is sunny. is a cake.

is my mother.__is a teacher.

girl is __an english song now.

's __father? he is a policeman.

ruler is___than yours.

long ___some oranges on the table.

want __go to quyuan park this weekend.

usually goes to work___car.

you skate?yes,i___

i use your pen?__

is. is here. you are.



is the eraser? is the pen? is it from?


't read in bed. 't be late for school. 't play ball in the room.


much is the car? many cars can you see? can see five cars.


is the hat? 's a hat? color is the cat?


you like swimming? you like running? you like ping-pong?

. 配对。选出正确的答语。10’

)1whatishedoing? ai’m125centimeterstall.

)2howtallareyou? bheisdoingherhomework.

)3pleaseplayquietly! clet’sgototheunderwaterworld.

)4iwanttoseefishes. dsorry!

)5what’syourname? emynameispeter.


let’s, the, to, library (.

a, man, looks, tree, like (.

you, doing, like, do(?)

.阅读理解。根据内容判断正误,正确的填“t”,错误的填“f”。 10’

one day, anne saw a dictionary in a bookstore. she needed one for school. it was fifty yuan.

she had only forty-five yuan.

anne: can i look at that dictionary, please?

shopkeeper: of course. is it useful enough?

anne: oh, yes! it is ! it’s small enough. i can put it in my schoolbag.

shopkeeper: it’s fifty yuan. h**e you got enough money?

anne: no, i h**en’t. i’ve got only forty-five yuan.

shopkeeper: look! it’s got a dirty mark on the cover. i will sell it to you!

here you are!

anne: oh, thank you. thank you very much!

判断正误: )1. anne saw a toy in a bookstore.

)2. the dictionary was forty-five yuan.

)3. it was useful for school.

)4. it’s not small enough to put in anne’s schoolbag.

)5. anne h**e enough money to buy it.

)6. anne bought(买) the dictionary in the end.


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