小学六年级公益试卷 英语

发布 2024-02-13 09:30:11 阅读 9490


)1. a. name b. same c. gamed. come

)2. a. table b. ***** c. raced. any

)3. a. h**e b. than c. pland. many

)4. a. plane b. make c. taked. away

)5. a. past b. father c. afterd. happy

)6. a. better b. lesson c. hed. best

) french b. second c. feverd. then

) mine b. livec. whited. bike

) milk b. kitec. finishd. give

) this b. signc. withd. little



john: can i help you?

grace: oh, yes, please. 1

john: what are they?

grace: 2

john: what are they?

grace: they are our homework notebooks.

john: 3

grace: to teachers' office.

john: 4

grace: no, it isn't. it's just over there.

john: ok. let's go.

grace: 5

john: it's my pleasure.

a. reallye. pardon?

b. where should we take themf. is it far from here?

c. thank you very muchg. it's so small.

d. they are very he**y.


a根据短文内容, 判断下列句子是(t)否(f)正确。

tim was seven years old, and his sister was five. one day, their mother wanted to go shopping, so she asked their aunt to look after them.

the two children played for a long time. at four o'clock in the afternoon, their aunt g**e tim an apple and a knife. she said to him, “now here's a knife, tim.

cut this apple into two pieces. and then please give one piece to your sister, but remember(记住) to do it like a gentleman.”

“like a gentleman?” tim asked. “how does a gentleman do it?”

“he always gives the big piece to another person.” their aunt answers.

“oh, i see.” then he g**e his sister the apple and said to her, “please cut it into two pieces like a gentleman, joan.”

)1. tim was two years older than his sister.

)2. joan was tim's little sister.

)3. tim's mum wanted to go swimming with her friends.

)4. at four o'clock in the afternoon, the children's aunt g**e them two apples and


)5. tim wanted the big piece of the apple.


my name's anna. i live in a big city. the people in my city want to bury(埋藏) a “message for the future”.

it will be a metal (金属) box with things about our life today that people can discover(发现) in the future. the box isn't very big so it is important to choose small things. these things will tell people a lot about our lives now.

there is a competition (比赛) at school to choose things for the box.

my friend mona chooses a computer and a video, but i think she has the wrong idea. perhaps(可能) electricity (电) will be different in one or two hundred years. lily has three things:

a picture of her cat, mimi, a hamburger and a pencil. i want to choose things about me, my family and our house. i h**e got eight things:

a photo of my family, my old english homework book, a tennis ball, a t-shirt with mickey, a can of cola, a picture of my house, a piece of my art work and a cinema ticket. the english homework book and the art work will show what i study at school.

what do you want to choose for the box?

6. what do people in anna's city want to bury?

7. is the box very big?

8. mona chooses a computer and a video, doesn't she?

9. how many things does anna choose?

things will show what anna studies at school?


1-5 ddddd 6-10 ccbbb



1—5 debfc


1—5 ttfft

6.a metal (金属) box with things about our life today that people can discover(发现)

in the future.

7. no.

8. yes, she does.


10.the english homework book and the art work.


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