
发布 2024-02-10 02:55:12 阅读 9358




学习过程:step 1一.热身(warm-up)

1、review the phrases. (visit my grandparents, see a film, take a trip, go to the supermarket, go to the zoo, go to the park, play football, play ping-pong, play basketball, play the piano, play the erhu, play the pipa, play the guitar, cook for parents, clean my room, wash the clothes, watch tv,read books ,draw cartoons, go for a walk, do some kungfu, go fishing, go shopping, go swimming, go ice-skating , draw pictures. play sports, take a dancing class, go on a picnic, listen to music, play computer games.

)show the phrase cards, let the children read.

2、free talk: chain work.

what do you often do on on the weekenf?

i always/ usually/ often /sometimes…..


what are you going to do this weekend?

i am going to do my homework.

t:now i know what some of you are you going to do this weekend.

but how about sarah and mike?

step 2: presentation

let’s tryt: it’s saturday morning. sarah is on the phone with mike.

first, let’s read the questions, then let’s listen and choose.

教师先让学生看问题,画出关键词,然后**let’s try部分的录音,学生选择正确答案。

step 3 new lesson

1、just now we know that on saturday morning mike is going to do his homework, on saturday afternoon he is gonging to go fishing. what about sunday, what sarah and mike are going to do? let’s listen and choose,what is sarah going to do tomorrow?

she is going to

a. h**e a dancing lesson b. h**e an art lesson.

(学习更多短语。h**e a music lesson, h**e an english lesson , h**e a chinese lesson. h**e a maths lesson, h**e a football lesson, h**e a basketball lesson, h**e a piano lesson, h**e a drawing lesson.

)what is mike going to do tomorrow?

he is going to

a. see a film b. take a trip

what does mike h**e to do now? he has to

a. do his homework b. read story books.

2、watch video and guess ‘h**e a good time ’.means___

a. 祝你玩的愉快 b 有一个好时间。

3、follow the teacher, 注意语音语调、连读和停顿等。

4、read by yourself.

5、read in pairs.

6、act it out.

step 4 :practice

1、ask and answer in pairs.

do you want to know your deskmate’s weekend plan? let’s practice like this .

s1:what are you going to do this weekend?

s2: i’m going towhat about you?

s1: i’m going to

step 5: task work


1. 背诵let’s talk并签字。

2. 抄写四会句子。

3. 做活动手册上的配套练习。

unitthreemy weekend plan



1. 能够听、说、读、写四会单词visit,film, trip, supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow及短语see a film, take a trip, visit my grandparents, go to the supermarket 及句子what are you going to do today? i’m going to see a film.


2. 能够听、说、读、写时间短语:next week, this morning/afternoon/evening, tonight.

3. 能够合理安排自己的活动时间并与他人进行交流。


能熟练运用be going to do句型。



学习重点:掌握四会短语及灵活运用be going to do 句型。










1. 教师出示动词短语**,要求学生根据**内容做动作并说出该短语,然后听写这些短语,可请几名学生在黑板上示范书写。如:

read books, watch tv, do homework, clean the room, wash the clothes ..

2. 教师准备好一个盒子,里面装有写着不同动词短语的小纸条。学生十人左右围成一圈,教师****,学生开始传递这个盒子,**停止,拿盒子以外的学生问:

what are you going to do? 拿着盒子的学生从盒子里取出一张纸条,根据纸条上的文字回答:i’m going to read a book.


step 2: presentation

let’s learn

1. 教师拿出祖父母的**,请一名学生搭档进行问答练习。如:

s1: who are they?

t: they are my grandparents.

s1: what are you going to do tomorrow?

t: i’m going to visit my grandparents.

教师板书并教读句子:what are you going to do tomorrow? i’ m going to visit my grandparents.


visit,visit, visit, visit my grandparents.

2. 教师拿出一张电影票,问:what are you going to do tonight?

引导学生回答: i’m going to see a film. 教师板书并教读句子。


教师讲述时间状语 this morning, this afternoon, this evening, next week, 注意单词evening 的发音和拼写。可详细讲解next的用法,如:next year, next sunday, next monday等。

3. 教师拿出事先准备好的旅游**,让学生用中文说一说**上的内容。教师教新短语 take a trip,可采取从单词到短语的形式进行操练。

教师在黑板上板书take a trip, 问学生:what are you going to do next week? 引导学生回答:

i’m going to take a trip.


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