
发布 2024-02-10 02:20:12 阅读 5277




unit 3 my weekend plan

period 1 section a let’s learn /make a plan p25

learning aims(学习目标)

1.四会单词及短语:visit film trip supermarket tomorrow tonight evening see a film/ take a trip / next week

2.理解句子:what are you going to do today ? i’m going to see a film.

important &difficult points(重难点)

1. 能准确的读出和写出新的单词和短语。

2. 能用what are you going…? i’m going to…?进行问答练习。

learning steps


1 .sing a song together:《what are you going to do?》

step1 :free talk

what are you going to do tomorrow? i’m going to…

review same old phrases.

step 2. new presentation

let’s learn new phrases

1)t: what are you going to do today ?i’m going to see a film.****sarah和chenjie 的对话。

1. 2)领读let’s learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。

t: what are you going to do this morning ?

s: i’m going to visit my grandparents/ take a trip /see a film/go to the supermarket. (课件出示单词卡片,教读,学生小组练习)

3) use these new phrases to make sentences. (替换练习)

eg: what are you going to do next week/…?i’m going to see a film/….

4)课件出示日历,引出时间短语this morning /this afternoon/ this evening/ next week/tonight/tomorrow,教读,学生小组、或同桌练习。

step 3. practice

a plan (finish the forms,ask and answer in pairs, )

s1:what are you going to do this morning/…?

s2: i’m going to visit my grandparents/….

2. 出示what are you going to do next week/…?i’m going to see a film/…男生问,女生答。

step4. p lay games



a plan



to choose time is to s**e time.


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