
发布 2023-12-03 11:59:09 阅读 1899

1) 先后次序关系:

at this time(这时候、此时); first; second; at last; next; previously(以前);

simultaneously[saiml'teinisli](同时);eventually(最后);last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的);

to begin with(首先、本来); to start with =for a start(首先); first of all(首先,第一) ;to end with(最后); finally(最后); since then(从那时以来); afterwards(然后、后来);

following this:

following this trend顺应这种趋势;by following this strategy通过采用这种策略;只要遵循这项策略。

following this pattern下面这个模式;following this opinion由此来看。

following this way沿着这条思路;following this thought循此思路。

following this commitment根据这一承诺;following this example下面这位比如;

preceding this(在这之前).

2) 因果关系:because; because of this; being that(既然、因为、由于); another important factor/reason of...since(既然、因为、由于、自…以来); as(因为、依照、当…时、随着、虽然); for; in that...

既然、因为、由于); owing to(由于,因为…);due to; for the reason that...in view of(鉴于、考虑到); the reason seems to be obvious; for this reason; as a result of this; therefore; .and so(因此、所以)..

consequently(所以、因此、结果); as a result; thus; hence; so; so that...in consequence(因此、结果); as a consequence(因此、结果); accordingly(因此、于是); inevitably(不可避免地、必然地); under these conditions(在这种情形下、在此情况时、在这些情况下); thereupon [,r'pn ]于是; seeing...因为;鉴于;由于);

3) 转折关系:but; even so(虽然如此,即使如此); however; though(可是、虽然、然而、不过); even though(虽然、即使); independent of(不管); despite that(尽管、不管); in spite of that(尽管、不管); regardless of(不管); yet...然而、但是); and yet(可是、然而); but unless(除非).

4) 并列关系: and; also; too; as well as(也;和…一样;不但…而且); either...or...


5) (补充)递进关系:furthermore(此外、而且); moreover(此外、而且); further(更远地;进一步地;而且);

in this way(这样); still(但是;仍然;尽管如此); not only...but also...not that…but that…(不是(因为)…而是(因为)…)in addition (to)(另外,此外(除…之外));additionally(此外), much more interesting, more specifically(更具体地说), next(其次;然后), besides(而且;此外;除…之外); as far as...

至于,就…而言);in other words(换句话说); on the one hand...on the other hand...一方面,另一方面); even(甚至;即使); as a popular saying goes...

常言说); in order to do it...为了做这件事); meanwhile(同时); at the same time; accordingly(因此,于是); in the first place...首先),in the second place...

其次、第二); equally important(同样重要); of even greater appeal(更吸引).

6) 比较关系:

similarly(同样地); in like manner(同样地); in comparison with(与…比较);

when compared with(当和。相比时); compared with(与。相比较); when in fact...

而实际上;但事实上); like...如同); likewise(也;同样地); apart from (doing)..除…之外;且不说;);

.. rather than...而不是;宁可…也不愿); by doing so(通过这样来做); both…and...

in the same way(同样地;以同样的方式not only...but (also);

7) 对照(不同点):

yet; still(但是;仍然;尽管如此); notwithstanding(尽管,虽然); rather(宁可);

neither ..nor(既不是…也不是…);although; though; but; however; conversely(相反地);

unlike(和…不同,不像); opposed to(反对); as opposed to(与…截然相反) ;in contrast (to)(与此相反);

on the contrary(正相反); different from this; nevertheless(然而,不过); contrary to(与…相反);

whereas [hwε'z] (反之;然而); while(而); but on the other hand(但另一方面).

8) 举例关系:

for example; for instance; in this case(假若这样); namely(也就是;换句话说);

as you know(正如你知道的); as you may say(如你所说); like(像;如同); such as(比如;诸如);

a case in point is...一个典型的例子);in particular(尤其,特别); put it simply(简单地说);

for one thing...首先,for another...其次、第二; as an illustration(作为一个例证), i will say...

a good example (of...would be...it is interesting to note that...in this situation(在这种情况下);

take…as example(以……为例); as for(关于,至于); as regards(关于,至于); as to(关于,至于);

according to(根据); on this occasion(场合).

9) 强调关系:in fact; especially; particularly; moreover; naturally(自然地);

what is more important is that…(更重要的是); in reality(实际上;事实上); certainly(当然);

of course; indeed(的确in particular(尤其,特别not to mention...更不必说);

believe it or not(信不信由你); undeniably(不可否认地); other thing being equal(另一件是同等的);

it is certain/sure thatto be true(说实话); by definition(明显地); definitely(明确地,肯定地); undoubtedly(无庸置疑地); without a doubt(无疑地); in truth(事实上); in any event(不论怎样);

without reservation(毫无保留地obviously(明显地), not only.. but(also...both...and...

10) 条件关系:if; unless; lest(唯恐); provided that(倘若;假如); if it is the case(如果是这样的情况); in this sense(在这一点上,从这点来说); once...一旦); if possible(如果可能的话);

if necessary(如果必要的话); if so(如果是这样的话); if anything(如果有什么区别的话).

11) 归纳总结类: in other words(也就是说); on the whole(就全体而论); in sum(总而言之); therefore;

hence; in short(总之;简言之); in brief(总之); to sum up(总之;概括地说in conclusion(总之,综上所述); in summary(总之;概括起来); to conclude(最后);

the conclusion can be drawn that...可以得出的结论); for this reason(为此)

12) 地点关系:beyond(在。较远的一边); opposite to(在…对面); adjacent to(接近); at the same place; there;

over(从头到尾、在…之上); in the middle; around(在附近、在…周围); in front of; in the distance(在远处); farther(此外;更远地;更进一步地); here and there(各处,到处); above(在……之上;在上面);


1 先后次序关系 at this time 这时候 此时 first second at last next previously 以前 simultaneously saiml teinisli 同时 eventually 最后 last but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的 to ...


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