
发布 2023-11-27 04:35:05 阅读 3324

module 3



1. 在本单元里,把肯定句改为否定句,只要在“是”动词be(am/is/are)之后加not或者把are/is改为aren't/isn't构成否定句式。如:

it is not on your bed. /it isn't on your bed.

2. 在本单元里,把肯定句改为一般疑问句,只要把“是”动词be(am/is/are)移到句首,以动词be开头,并且把句末标点符号改为“?”如:

it's on your bedis it on your bed?

3. 一般疑问句是以yes,no来回答的。如:

问:is it on your bed? 肯定回答:

yes, it is. 否定回答:no, it isn't.

4. 要知道where's=where is , here's=here is , that's=that is ,

isn't=is not ,aren't=are not.但是一定要注意this is不能缩写为this's。

5. 特殊疑问句where is...问的是物体的方位(在**),应使用方位介词回答。

如:where is my pencil? it's on/in the desk.

6. 本单元里,in 和on都是方位介词。in表示“在。里面”。on表示“在。上面”且与物体有接触面。

7. 在本单元里面出现了许多表示命令、请求或者劝告的句子,这一类句子称为祈使句。如:

pack your bag. please lend me your ruler. open/close your books.

that’s ok./all right. here it ishere you are.

oh,nooh, dearthank you!



( )1. a. where b. chair2. a. pencil b. pen

( )3. a. on b. no4. a. no b. not

( )5. a. rubber b. ruler6. a. box b. book

( )7. a. bag b. pack8. a. head b. lend

( )9. a. what b. where10. a. desk b. table


1. yes, it is2. thank you.

) 3. it's on the table4. no, the book is not in my bag.

) 5. the rubber is over there, on the chair.

3、根据听到的内容把句子补充完整。(10 分)

1your books, children.

2. is a .

3. is my pen? here

4. is it the chair? no, it

lend me youryou are.


1. a: (where, where's) my pencil-case?

bon, no) the table.

2. ais, is) the pen in the box?

b: yes,it (is, isn't).

3. ahere, here's) my pen.

b: thankyou, your).

4. a: isit, in) on the bed?

b: no, it (isn't, is).

5. a: where's your english book?

bhere, where) it is!


) 1. is it on the tablea. thank you.

) 2. here you areb. no. it's a chinese book.

) 3. pack your bagc. ok!

) 4. where is your balld. yes, it is.

) 6. is that an english booke. here it is

6、如果遇到下面的情景,你能应对吗?(10 分)

1. 你想问ben 借一把尺子,你说: lend your .

2. 有一天,你找不到自己的英语书,你问: is mybook ?

3. 上课的时候老师要求同学们打开书,老师说: your book, .

4. mike 向你借一块橡皮,你把橡皮递给他的时候,你说。

7、用下面的字母组成一个单词,使句子成立。(5 分)

1h, e, e, w, r) is my bag?

2. ish, s, t, i) your bed?

3. is yourn, c, p, e, i, l ) on the desk?

4. that is myb, t, l, e, a ).

5. that isn't myu, e, r, r, l ).


一 填空。2.两位数乘以一位数,积最多是 位数 三位数乘以一位数,积最少是 位数。3个60是1803个800是 4.480是4的倍 201的3倍是。5.一峰骆驼一次能运货450千克,是另一峰骆驼的5倍。两峰骆驼一次能运货 千克。6.口算 205 6时,先算200 6得12,再算5 6得 个 7.桌上...


课时安排。第三课时。课时目标。1.能够听 说 读 写单词cat,bag,dad,hand.学习元音字母a在单词中的发音以及认读书写含有这个字母的单词。2.通过听 说复习单词的写法,强化小学英语单词的书写训练。3.培养学生乐于模仿,敢于交流。课时重难点。1.能够听懂 会说单词cat,bag,dad,h...


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