
发布 2023-11-17 14:50:04 阅读 4897

a.教师拿出一张**向学生让学生猜是男还是女:class,we h**e a new friend boy or a girl ?

当学生猜到是男孩的时候给于肯定。yes,he’s a is a chinese boy.让学生操练he is a chinese boy.

b.教师继续向学生提问:what’s he like?

do you want to know ?教师描述:look,he has short black hair and big eyes.

让学生操练what’s he like ?he has short black hair and big eyes.

c.让学生介绍自己的外貌如:t:i h**e long black hair and big eyes. what about you ?i h**e …

d.教师继续问学生:what’s your name ?

my name is…接着指着**问学生:what’s his name ?his name is li ming.


e.继续指着li ming 的**说: he is li ming,this is his photo.

然后叫学生拿出自己的**向同学介绍自己的朋友,this is my friend ⅹⅹthis is his /her photo.

3.巩固和操练(consolidation and practice)

a. 教师说:today john has new friend.

let’s listen and answer the questions: what’s his name? what’s he like ?

b. listen to the tape and say after it two times.

c. act out the dialogue in groups.

d. play a game.辨音游戏(找几个男学生说一句话并录音,听音让学生猜。

每组找一个学生上讲台前抢答。全班齐问:what’s his name ?

若猜对继续问:what’s he like ?若不对,全班齐说:

sorry, you’re wrong.)


a.拿出几张伟人**让学生描述。问学生:what’s his name? what’s he like ?(如***,***,刘德华等)



unit 2 my schoolbag book 3 第二课时备课。学习内容 part a let s learn,let s do,let s spell 课程标准描述 1.能根据听到的词句识别或指认 或实物。2.能根据图 文说出单词或短句。3.能根据指令做动作。4.了解简单的拼读规律。学习内容分...


pep四年级英语上册第三单元。my friends第二课时教学设计。薛庄小学荣玮玮。一 教学目标 1 知识目标。1 使学生能听 说 认读本课时主要句型 i h e a new friend what s his name?his name is 2 对话 现的 photo 等单词,学生能听懂并理解其...


pep四年级英语上册第三单元。my friends第二课时教学设计。一 教学目标 1 知识目标。1 使学生能听 说 认读本课时主要句型 i h e a new friend what s his name?his name is 2 对话 现的 photo 等单词,学生能听懂并理解其意思。3 会朗读...