
发布 2023-11-16 16:40:03 阅读 8369

六下unit 7 summer holiday plans( story time ) 课时小练。



1、坐火车去北京2、that sounds great

3、回伦敦去4、visit ocean park and disneyland

5、停留两个月6、summer holiday plans

7、多长时间8、go there by train

9、给你看一些**10、go to ****ei with my family


s___h will come. the c___are t about their p . mike will

g b to london. he w s there for a m . yang ling will v

her a and u in beijing. she will go there b t . suhai will go to h

k with her f .she will go to d and o p . liu tao will go to t with h p .

all their plans sound wand great.


)1. where will you go next week? a. we will play football after school.

) 2. when will we play footballb. she will help her parents at home.

( )3. will he go to hong kong this year? c. we’ll go to dalian.

( )4. how long will he stay in london? d. he will go by ship.

( )5. what will she doe. no, he won’t.

( )6. how will liu tao go theref. he’ll stay there for five days.


1. 你们要去**过暑假?

youthe summer


___you to hong kongno, igo by


su hai __in ****eithere for a .


buyfor the party?


the __willin


go to bymy this


youthe uk in june? yes, i


1. the children are going to h**e a party at school.(改为同义句)

the childrena party at school.

2. my mother will go shopping this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)

mother shopping this afternoon?

3. he’ll go there by bus.(对划线部分提问)

he there?

4. they’ll stay in beijing for two weeks. (对划线部分提问)

they in beijing?

5. i will go to zhenjiang tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)

you tomorrow?

6. i’ll show you some photos after the holiday. (改为同义句)

some photos after the holiday.


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