
发布 2020-08-20 03:53:28 阅读 3851

unit2 练习3



one’s teeth __

sleepy4. 帮助他的父母。

5. 过来看她6. 一些坏习惯。

7. 做得好8. 非常了解。

9. put …in order10. before lunch __

11. 在街上12. 感到困倦的。

13. catch the lion14. 大声笑。

15. hit the ball hard


wash their face in the morning.

a. child b. childs c. children

is it ? it’s my brother’s.

a. whose bedroom b. who’s bedroom c. whoes bedroom

)3you should put your clothes

a. clean b. tidy c. in order

)4they feeltoday.

a. happy b. happily c. badly

) i can see a lot ofin the street.

a. tree b. car c. people

) don’t runthe grass.

a. go b. through c. cross

)7i visted the museum saturday moring.

a. in b. at c. on d. by

)8i___watch tv after dinner.

a. some time b. some times c. sometimes d. sometime

) go the house and find a black bin.

a. at b. on c. into to

( )0.my grandpa is old, but he can run __

a. slowly b. fast c. slow

( )11.he little boy caught the mice __a cage.

a. to b. with c. for


1. i don’t want to go to bed. i’m not困倦的)

2. i often help my父母) at home.

3. he感觉) sad that day .

ling了解) nancy well.

5. you should go to bed早地)

. be快的).we’re late for the party.

. –who’s on duty today? –it’s your机会).

. su yang was very glad to遇见) ben's cousin, jack.

. listen! someone(有人大笑). what happened?

0. jim’s father has three孩子).


1. 这位老妇人正慢慢地走着。

the old is

2. 昨晚我睡得迟了。

i to bednight .

3. 你吃早饭早吗?

do you breakfast ?

4. 他总是准时去上学。

he always to school

5. 刘涛和迈克从不早早的完成他们的家庭作业。

liu tao and mike finish homework .

6. 海伦总是保持她的卧室干净、整洁。

helen always her bedroom clean and .

. 他每天上学都很晚吗?



all students need to h**e good study habits (习惯) .when you h**e good study habits, you can learn things quickly. you also remember (记得) them easily.

do you like to study in the living - room? this is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. you need to study in a quiet (安静) place, like your bedroom.

a quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.

before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. a good desk light is important, too. you'll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.

1. when you h**e good study habits, you will___

a. learn things quickly b. remember things easily

c. think about one thing d. both a and b

2. you will feel tired easily if the light is___

a. good b. bad c. enough d. wonderful

3. what is the best title(标题)of the text?

a. study in the bedroom b. how to study

c. good study habits d. desk light is important




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1.good habits好习惯。2.bad habits坏习惯。3.a good boy一个好男孩。4.h e many good habits 有许多好习惯。5.get up early早起床。6.never go to bed late 从不晚睡觉。7.brush his teeth 刷他的牙...