
发布 2023-11-12 06:30:05 阅读 9423

teaching aids: ppt、tape、 recorder and so on .

teaching procedures:

step 1: warming up:

s: good morning miss wang.

t:good morning boys and girls. nice to see you.

s: nice to see you, too.

t:do you want to h**e a chant?


t:ok,let's do and chant.

s:chant and act.

tall, tall, tall. make yourself tall.

short, short, short. make yourself short.

big, big, big. make your eyes big.

small, small, small. make your eyes small.

long, long, long. make your arms long.

short, short, short. make your arms short.

设计思路:通过这一活动复习已经学习过的几个形容词big , small , short , long)

t:ok,very good ,sit down, please.

today,i h**e two friends,and they will come to our you want to know them?(yes.)ok!

let me introduce my friends to you.

t: let's look at the screen.. do you know them? (美羊羊、喜洋洋)

t: yes, you are so clever. do you love them?

s: yes!

t: i love them very much. you know they are friends.

step 3: presentation


t: ok, this lesson we'll learn unit 3 my friends.

板书:unit 3 my friends)

t: read after to me "friend".(板书:

"friend" and read after to me, pay much attention to the pronunciation.)

s: friend...

t: through the 2 pictures, can you guess the meaning about "friend".

s: 朋友。

教学long hair

t: great! do you know who is my friend?

t: i'll tell you. my friend is lily.(板书:"my friend is...show a photo of lily)

t: look,,.she has long hair.(teach long hair)


she has long hair.(板书:"she has long hair" read new word after to me.

point some girls who h**e long hair to help understand."look, alice has long hair. iris has long hair, too.

")chant:long hair,long hair,she has long hair,long hair,he has long hair.

教学short hair

is she? she is li yuchun. who can talk about her?

……she has short hair.(板书:"she has short hair.

" and read new word after to some girls who h**e long hair to help understand."look, alice has long hair. tom has short hair.

")chant:short hair,short hair,he has short hair,short hair,she has short hair.


look, wa…he is strong.(teach strong.)(板书:

"he is strong." and read new word after to me. use body language to help understand.

)chant:strong,strong,he is he is strong.


look, who can talk about him?he has small eyes. he is thin.

(teach thin.)(板书:"he is thin" and read new word after to me.

use body language to help understand and pay much attention to the pronunciation "θ

chant:thin,thin,she is is thin.


look at the screen,she is quiet!

sh….be quiet!i am you quiet?(指着一个安静的学生问)

yes,she is quiet.(teach quiet.)look she is quiet too.

chant:quiet,quiet,she is is quiet.

practice: who is your friend? my friend is...

choose one group ask and answer one by one.)


a、i say,you do

long hair,long hair,long hair stand h**e long hair.

short hair,short hair,short hair stand h**e short hair.

b、i point,you say.

教师边走边说:long hair,short hair,走到某个学生旁停下来,学生根据实际情况说句子,he/she has….

step 4: practice

1、listen to the tape and read after the tape.(设计思路:听录音跟读能帮助学生更好地形成正确的语音和语调)

2、listen to the tape and write the new words.(设计思路:听录音写单词能很好的训练学生的听以及写的能力。)

3 、look and match (完成配对练习)

4、let’s say.(小组活动)

5、look at the pictures ,discribe the boy and the girl.

t:look at the picture. wow! who is he?

ss:….t:who can describe him?

s1:he has short hair, …

t:you did well! let’s move to the second one. who is she?

s2:she is ….

t:who can describe her?

s3:she is thin. she has short hair, …

t:thank you. clever child.


6、let's find out

t:now, let’s play a guessing game. i’ll describe a classmate in our class.

please guess who he is or who she is. ok?


t:my friend is thin. she has long hair, big eyes, and ears.

she has a small nose and a small mouth. she is quiet. who is my friend?

s1:she is …

s2:she is …

s3:she is …

t:yes. you are clever. who wants to h**e a try? let’s guess who your friend is.

s1:let me try! my friend is strong.

he has short hair, big eyes and small ears. he has a small nose and a small mouth. please guess who my friend is.

英语教案 Unit3Myfriends第三课时

英语教案 unit 3 my friends第三课。时。教学重点 学习书写英文字母ss,tt,uu,vv的大小写和学习拼写单词 teacher,student 教学难点 1 大写t,u的笔顺和小写t的书写格式。2 单词spoon,van的发音。教具准备 1 snake,tiger,umbrella,...

英语教案 Unit3Myfriends第三课时

精品推荐范文学习。英语教案 unit 3 my friends第三课。时。教学重点 学习书写英文字母ss,tt,uu,vv的大小写和学习拼写单词 teacher,student 教学难点 1 大写t,u的笔顺和小写t的书写格式。2 单词spoon,van的发音。教具准备 1 snake,tiger,...


四年级上册unit 3 my friends第一课时。一 教学目标1 知识目标 学生能听 说 认读friends longhair shorthair thin strong quiet。学生能用句型i h e a friend she he has 来介绍他的朋友,并描述长相。学唱英文歌曲my f...