
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 8008

教学目标。1知识与技能:本课时的重点内容是一般将来时态”be going to句型,”询问并回答未来几天或周末的活动安排,主要句型是:

”what are you going to do?i’m going to … 要求学生能在实际语言环境中熟练运用,并能准确记忆单词nex tweek、tonight、tomorrow、this morning等重点单词。



听、说、认读let’s read部分的对话。三、教学目标:

1、能够听、说、认读let’s read部分的对话;2、能够根据对话内容回答文后的问题;四、教学准备用具。


step 1:温故知新,创设愉快学习氛围。,根据教材及小学生的年龄特点,我在进入新课前先让学生回忆上节课的内容:先抽查个人,然后集体背诵。

gs: what are going to do? (twice each time)play football, play footballbs:

i’m going to ply football.(如此不断替换新词)这样不但可复习大量旧词组:take pictures, play chess, play games, plant tree, watch tv, go chopping, go hiking and soon且可较好操练新句型。

”what are you going to do? i’m going to…

step 2:站起来,你说我说大家说,提高自信心自由问答(教师不点名,让学生勇敢站起来one by one问答)

step 3:game:guessing:

”what is she /he going to do? she /he is going to …”增强学习的趣味性,导入新课。出示人名**。

(在背面写将要干的事情)(john, peng sarah)

一what is amy going to do this weekend? guess!一she is going to…

t: what is sarah going to do this afternoon? let’s h**e a look.(卡片后没写任何东西)

oh, there’s nothing. today let’s 3 b let’s read” and find 4:学习新课,讲究方法。

1、read and circle your new words.(学生共同找出新单词,并板书)nw:need , else , useplant trees\

some plants---对比学习plant shop/

2、listen the tape and try to learn by time: just listen.

time: listen and third time:listen and follow loudly.

3、learn the new words and sentences.(ss try .t help and explain)4、reading

a. follow the read together

in group. (use the way they like)


finish the exercises(课后练习和教师增加的课外题)more exercises: 5)what are you going to do this weekend?6)what is your father going to do this afternoon?

7)what are you going to be in the future?

step 5:课外拓展,施展才华,真我风彩/你演我演大家乐!(改编或照演let’s read的对话)


a:hello,peter,what are you going to do this weekend?

b:i’m going to the bookstore . i want to buy some comic books .

what are you?a:i’m going to the bookstore ,too.

i want to buy some post go

b:when are we going?a:on saturday

a:see you 6 :小结本课内容。


unit 3 my weekend plan 教学设计。联家小学王永丽。一 教学内容 新版pep 六年级上册unit 3 part a let s try let s talk 二 教学目标 1 能够在情境中运用what are is going to do?i am he she is going...


unit 3my weekend plan 榆林市逸夫小学张生艳。设计思路 小学英语课程标准 把培养学生兴趣放在了重要地位,学生通过几年的英语学习,已经有了一定的语言积累,同时也形成了良好的学习习惯。根据学生好玩好动,好奇心强,好表现的特点,从游戏入手,以兴趣为导,以活动为途径,面向全体学生,以培养...


课题第1课时圆柱与圆锥。一 认识圆柱,掌握圆柱的特征,知道圆柱的各部分名称。教学目标。二 认识圆柱的底面,侧面和高,了解圆柱的侧面展开图特征。三 培养学生的观察能力,操作能力和判断能力。教学重点教学难点。形的长和宽与圆柱底面周长和高的关系。教学方法教学准备教学时数。圆柱模型等多 课件40分钟。第一课...