
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:52 阅读 7758

lesson 1: what’s wrong, danny?








1,regret 惋惜,懊悔,遗憾。eg: i regret taking his advice at that time. 采纳他的建议。

其构成的短语为:(1)regret to do sth 对要做的事遗憾(未做)

eg: i regret to tell you that you failed in the exam.

2)regret doing sth对做过的事遗憾,后悔(已做)

eg:she regretted telling me what she thought.

对应练习 you were br**e enough to raise an objection at the meeting. -well, now i regret___thata: do b:

did c: to do d: doing

2,get dressed 穿衣服 (表示穿的动作)

eg: get up and get dressed quickly, or you will be late.

dress sb 给某人穿衣服 eg: she dressed the baby.

be dressed in 表示穿的状态 she is dressed in a beautiful skirt.

eg: the girl can’t get __till now.

a: to dress b: dressing c: dresses d: dressed

3,get into 进入;上车。常表示上小汽车或出租车,其反义词为:get out of get on 上车(火车,电车,公共汽车) 其反义词为:get off

eg:don’t___it while the bus is moving, or you may hurt yourself.

a: get on b: get into c: get up d: get in

4, point to 指向。着重指的方向point at 指着。 着重指的对象。

point out 指出(给某人指出要点或错误等)

eg: the teacher __many mistakes in my homework.

a: point to b: point at c: point out d: pointed out

got a bad发烧) h**e a疼痛) in my chest.

are youfeel)now? you needgo)to the park?

girl can't get __till dress

the, what's, with, matter

lesson 2 a visit to the dentist





1,take care of 照顾;照看。常接名词或代词;同义词组为: look after.

eg: it’s your duty to take care of your aged care 小心;注意。其后不可以接宾语。

take care and won’t hurt yourself.

对应练习 thanks for your invitation,but i’m so sorry i can’t go. i need to___my baby at home.

a: take away b: take off c: take care of d: take out of

2, h**e no choice but to do 除了---别无选择。

i别无选择)but to accept his invitation.

3,be used to do sth. 被用来做某事(表被动)

eg:this kind of wood is used to make *****.

used to do sth 过去常常做某事(暗示现在已经不这样了)

eg:he used to play football,but now he plays basketball.

be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事eg: i’m used to sleeping early.

对应练习:how is your grandma? she’s fine.

she used to __tv at home after now she is used to___out for a walk.

a: watch; go b: watching; go c: watching; going d: watch; going

4,be afraid of 害怕;担心。eg; she is afraid of dogs.

be afraid of doing sth 担心某事可能发生。eg: i’m afraid of being late for school

be afraid to do sth 因害怕而不敢做某事eg: he is afraid to go out at night.

对应练习 the little girl was afraid___on the wooden bridge, for she is afraid___into the to walk; of falling b:to walk;to fall c: of walking;of fall

5,refuse 拒绝;回绝。常用于:refuse sb\sth 拒绝某人\某物。

refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事。

eg:she has never refuse___help)her mother with the housework.

what’s the matter with you?-i h**e atooth).

be afraid of___hurt)her parents are good___牙医).

little boy was hit by a car.__幸运地),it was not serious.

5.他拒不向我们讲实情。hetell us the truth.

1. wang mei is really afraid of going to the __

2. this morning, she woke up with a terrible

3. one of her __was probably rotten.

4. on the way home, mum told her an oldsaying.

lesson 3 good food ,good health

1.由···组成 2.在某人看来。

3.保持健康 4.至少。



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