
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:52 阅读 6292

课题: lesson one poetry, please2024年12月 2日。

班级: 姓名: 编号: 课型:新课主编人: 审核人签字。

一.自研课导学:(时段:晚自习) 预习课本 lesson one page 2


1.决定做某事2.表达自己的思想感情3.摸起来像…;有…的感觉4.如此………以至于5.记住、背诵 with___




四.【日日清】巩固提升**达标训练题:1. 时段:晚自习 2. 时间:20’ 训练方式:独立自主完成。


) hasn’t decided __to do this evening.

a. where b. how c. what d. why

( )2. the train hasn’t arrived __

b. yet c. still d. at

( )3. we h**e finishedstudent book 5 of grade nine.

a. learn b. to learn c. learning

( )4. his clothes needit’s very dirty.

a. wash b. to wash c. washed

( )5. our physics teacher is holding something that feels __a tomato.

c. like d. look

发展题: 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. we h**edecide) to go to shanghai for our holidays.

2. before this term, i didn’t know howwrite ) a poem. now i can write some.

mysurprised) ,he finished the work on time.

4. maybe you could write adescribe) of your f**ourite subject.

5. wang li wasplease) to see her friends.

提高题:a 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空:

1. i canmy feeling in english now.

2. you shouldthe text

mountain is sothat i can’t express it in my own words.

4. you can write aof your hometown.

5. the father’s death has taken all theout of her life.

b 根据汉语提示完成句子:

1. he had a bad cold .he didn’t feel like吃) anything.

2. no words can表达) the beauty of that scene .

3. mary has written more than 1000诗歌).

4. i really love the song because it听起来) good.

5. all the athletes对。满意) with the nice service during the london olympics.

学生自主反思】( 精题选编, 错题纠正, 今日一得等)

培辅课】今天我进行了的培辅。 教师签字。

you h**e to believe in yourself. that's the secret of success.


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