七年级下册英语第五单元 第一课时

发布 2023-08-12 18:05:23 阅读 7340

课题unit 5 why do you like pandas?

section a 1a — 2d

学习目标】1、 学习掌握本节课的生词和短语;

2、 提高学生的听说能力。




学法指导】cooperative learning method 、communicative approach

预习案。知识链接】英汉对对碰:match each word with the right chinese meaning.


panda (熊猫):大熊猫憨态可掬,是中国的国宝,被动物学家称为“活化石”。

kangaroo (袋鼠):被澳大利亚人视为国家的象征。澳大利亚的国徽上就有袋鼠的形象。

bald eagle (白头海雕):美国的国鸟,是一种大型猛禽。

bear (熊):俄罗斯的代表动物。


1. 找出新单词和短语并牢记;

2. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。


1. welcome to the zoo2. my f**orite animals

3. want to see them4. 大象。

5. 树袋熊,考拉6. 长颈鹿。

7. really scary8. kind of

africa10. be from

11. walk on two legs12. sleep all day


step1 brainstorming(头脑风暴)

try to speak out the names of animals you know.

step2 presentation

1) learn the new words about animals using some pictures.

2) present key sentences with these pictures.

let’s see the pandas first. —why do you want to see them?

because they’re very cute.

3) finish 1a, and then check the answers.

step3 listening

listen and finish 1b. check the answers.

step4 pair work

talk about the animals in 1a.

step5 free talk

get the students to talk about their f**orite animals.

step6 presentation

present key sentences in this period.

where are they from? they’re from africa.

he can walk on two legs. he sleeps all day.

that’s a good name for her.


listen and finish 2a and 2b. check the answers.

step8 pair work

talk about the animals in 2a.

step9 role-play

role-play the conversation in 2d.


a:let’s see the elephant first.

b:the elephants? why do you want to see elephants?


a:they’re from south africa. (3

b:my f**orite animal is panda.

a:(4b:because they’re very cute.

a:(5b:they’re over there! let’s go!

课堂小结】work: 你知道多少动物的英文表达?能写出来吗? notes

work: 你能把描述动物的形容词都写下来吗。


period ⅰ section a 1a---2d


一、 精挑细选。

)1. which kind of animals h**e long legs and neck?

a. pandasb. penguinsc. giraffes

)2. _is the biggest animal on the earth.

a. an elephantb. a koala c. a giraffe

)3. —why do you like koalasthey are cute and smart.

a. sob. butc. because

)4. there is __elephant in the zooelephant is from africa.

a. a; theb. an; thec. an; an

)5see the giraffes.

a. let’s meb. let’sc. let we

)6. what do you want

a. eatb. to eatc. eating

)7. pandas are __cute.

a. kinds of b. a kind of c. kind of

)8. he can walk___two legs.

a. inb. onc. at

二、 “译”展身手。

1. 欢迎来到动物园!

the zoo!

2. 让我们先看熊猫吧!

see the pandas __

3. 你为什么想去看狮子?

do yousee l




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