
发布 2023-08-12 15:25:18 阅读 7075


unit 3 my birthday



part a let’s learn 本部分主要是学习十二个月份的英语表达方式。

let’s chant 巩固本课的新知识。


1 语言技能目标:


(2) 能够使用句型:“when is your birthday? my birthday is in …”调查班级或小组内同学的生日。


2 学习策略目标:





四、 教学重点和难点。

重点:12个月份的听、说、认读及其缩写形式的书写,以及句型“when is your birthday? my birthday is in …”的运用。


五、 教具准备。

1. 本课时的课件。

2. 季节单词卡片。

3. 调查表(文后所附)


1warm up

a) oral english: good morning! how are you? what’s your f**ourite season?

b) sing a song: what’s your f**ourite season?(p24)


2 .preview

a) t: four seasons make a year. do your remember it?

let’s review it together. look! what’s this?

ss: spring.


b) (课前在黑板上用简笔画画四棵树,分别代表四季。)

t: which one is spring? please put the card on the blackboard.(将季节单词卡片贴在正确的树下面)


c) use the same way review other season words.

d) read it together.

3 . presentation

a) t: there are four seasons. which season do you like best?

s1:i like winter best.

t: why?

s1:because i can make a snowman.

t: how about you?

s2:i like ….because …

b) t: guess! which season i like best? why?

you can swim.

you can eat ice-cream.


t:oh,i like summer best. because my birthday is in summer.

c) t: how many months are there in summer? do you know?

(ppt)in summer, we h**e three months---june, july and august.(write it on the bb, beside the right tree)


d) read it more.

e) (practice)(read after t)

---when is your birthday?

---my birthday is in june\july\august.


f) (ppt)t:when is your birthday? is your birthday in summer too?

s1: yes. my birthday is in …

t: how about you? is your birthday in summer?

s2: no. my birthday is in spring/fall/winter.(根据学生回答的具体情况来导出其余的新单词。用同样的方法教授其余的新单词。)

g) read all the new words together.

h) t: look at all the new words. what can you find?you can tell me in chinese.


4 .practice

a) game: what’s missing?

设计意图:通过“what’s missing”游戏巩固学生对单词的记忆。具体方法:


b) game: turntable game

(设计意图:“turntable game”是一个安排在ppt中的flash小游戏,点击转盘能够随机选取12月份中的任意一个单词,实用性强,通过这个游戏不仅增加单词的记忆还可以提高学习英语的兴趣)

make the survey

a) first, t use the sentence “when is your birthday?””my birthday is in … ask some students,finish the table.

b) according to the table, give ss a report.

c) let ss make a survey in the group.

d) report.


let’s chant

a) first, listen it carefully.

b) repeat it one by one.

c) chant it together.

d) chant it together with the action.

6. homework

read and write down the new words.


make a survey

---when is your birthday?

---my birthday is in… .

人教版 PEP 五年级英语上册Unit3随堂小测试

第三单元小测验。姓名。一。找亲戚。将下面的英文单词和中文意思对应起来写在方框内,如 1c beans 13fruit a卷心菜 b青豆 c茄子 d豆腐 e西红柿 f土豆 g甜的 h新鲜的 i咸的 j最喜爱的 k可口的 l酸的 m葡萄 n橘子 o柠檬 p苹果 q梨子 r桃子 s水果 t猪肉 u羊肉 v...


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