
发布 2023-04-16 14:38:28 阅读 7106

一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打√,不同的打×(5):1. earbear ()2.

hearpear()3, chairdeer()4. cheapship ()5. makehappy()





jan. (全写aug.(全写。

sun(形容词september(缩写one.(序数词two(序数词three(序数词twenty (序数词。



1. the seventh month of one year is j2. february is the s___month of a year.

3. children’s day is in j

4. o___is after september in a year.5.

she won’t be a___to see the card.6. sunday is the f___day in a week.

7. m___12th is tree- planting day.8.

what’s the d___it’s feb.13th.9.

is her b___in june?

10. i am m___a chart for our family.

五、选择,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号里(10):(birthday is __inb .onc. at

)2. my birthday is __november inb. /c. at()3. -when is your mother’s birthdayin may.

a. she’sb. he’sc. it’s()4. -is your birthday in march?--yes

a. it isb. i amc. it’s not()5. i like to __in the sea.

a. swimsb. swimc. swimming()6june 9th.

a. what day is today?b. when do you get up?c. what’s the date?

) _to get birthday cards.

a. likesb. likec. liking()8.--what are you doing?--i __grandma an e-card.

a. sendingb . am sendingc. is sending()9. my f**ouriteis football.

a. sportb. seasonc. food()10. christmas day is

a. jan.1stb. dec. 25thc. aug. 1st

五、用所给单词的正确形式填空(15)1. he oftenplay) football.2.

he __be) ****** a birthday chart.3. theybe) at eating dinner now.

4. marchfourteen) is my father’s birthday.5she) computer is on the desk.

6. cousinalice) birthday is in april.7.

there are colourfulleaf) in fall.8. ibe) playing computer games.

9. he canempty) the trash.

10、the flowers arecolour ) in spring .

11、the children are ****** somesnowman ).12、zhang peng likesfly )kites .13、it’s too cold forhe ).

14、i’d like to senda ) e-card.15who) birthday is in february?


1. birthdayisjuneinher(?)

2. sendinge-cardanigrandmaam3. h**eacomputershedoes4.

eat , 7:00, i , at, in, morning, the


a. i like winter .i can swim in the sea

c. it’s too cold for me

d. fall is my f**ourite seasone. which season do you like bestamymike?

mike: i like fall best.

amy: what about you, zhang peng?

zhangwe go up north. we play in the snow.

amy: winter is beautiful, buti like summer best. because___mike:

summer is good, butzhang: why?

mike: because i can eat many fresh fruits.


1no, i don’t like to swim.

2i often go hiking on saturdays.

3it’s sunny and hot in summer.

4my mother’s birthday is in october.

5it’s sunday.

6it’s oct. 1st.

7i am a policeman.

8i go to school at 7:00.

9i like fall best.

10i often visit my grandparents on the weekend.


1. tom get up at 7:00 in the morning..

(改为()2. is there three birthdays in october?()改为()3.

thank you for give me a pen.()改为()4. my birthday is on may.

()改为()5. his birthday is in may 1st.()改为()


likes fall because it’s warm and cool. (对划线部分问amyfall?

do some shopping on the weekend. (改为否定句)

ishopping on the weekend.. is a sheep. (改为复数句)

there a kite on the desk? (作肯定回答)yes

5. zhang peng does his homework every night .(改为一般疑问句zhang penghis homework every night?

6. my birthday is march 12th. (对划线部分问isbirthday?


januaryarmy daymarchnew year’s dayaugustteacher’s dayoctobernational dayseptembertree-planting day十。



today isthe weather isi wear my new___and a pair ofmysisterwearsa___coatand___a snowman. it’s very funis our f**ourite


hello!i’ my brother, my sister, my uncle, my aunt and me. i’m 12 years old.

my birthday isin may. my father and sister’s birthdays are in may, too.②my mother’s birthday is in brother’s birthday is in september.

my uncle’s birthday is in july. my aunt’s birthday is injuly, too. because they are twins(双胞胎).

my grandma’s birthday is in december. my grandpa’s birthday is in november.③we h**e a happy family.

i love my family very much.1.对②划线部分进行提问2.


3. when is jack’s birthday

4. how many birthdays are there in may5. do jack’s aunt and uncle h**e the same birthday?



unit3 my birthday 本学期我担任五年级下册的英语教学。根据新课程标准的要求,五年级应达到二级目标要求,即 1.对继续学习英语有兴趣。2.能借助 图像 手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。3.能用简单的英语互致问候,交换有关个人 家庭和朋友的简单信息,并能就日常生活话题作简短叙述。4.能在教...

人教版 PEP 五年级英语上册Unit3随堂小测试

第三单元小测验。姓名。一。找亲戚。将下面的英文单词和中文意思对应起来写在方框内,如 1c beans 13fruit a卷心菜 b青豆 c茄子 d豆腐 e西红柿 f土豆 g甜的 h新鲜的 i咸的 j最喜爱的 k可口的 l酸的 m葡萄 n橘子 o柠檬 p苹果 q梨子 r桃子 s水果 t猪肉 u羊肉 v...


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