
发布 2023-04-16 14:36:28 阅读 4875


课题unit3mybirthday(第六课时)学习目标1、能够听、说、读、写四会句子:what’s the date ? june her birthday in june?

yes .2、能够听、说、认读read and write部分的对话,能回答对话后的问题并书写答句。3、能够正确完成let’s check部分的练习。

学习重点重点是掌握两组四会句子:what’s the date ? june 9th.

”和“is her birthday in june ? yes.



1.学生预习本课四会句子,知道本课重点内容。2.预习story time,知道中文意思。warm-up

1、全班吟唱学生用书第26页let’s chant部分的歌谣,说、做结合,营造活跃的课堂气氛。2、师生交流t:when is your birthday?

ss: my birthday is int:what’s the date?

ss: it’s

t:when is national day?ss: it’s october 1st等。一、导入新课1、read and write

1)教师在黑板上画一张卡片,并画花朵、蜡烛等图案,写上happy birthday。教师请学生一起拼读birthday。教师提问:

what am i drawing?学生回答:a birthday card.

教师接着说:yes, you’re right. iam ****** a bithday card.

学生跟读这个句子。(2)教师给黑板上的birthday card画上电脑边框,以惊奇的语气说:look, the card is in the computer!

oh,it’s an e-card!板书an e-card(根据学生实际情况决定是否加以解释)。

教师简笔画一只鼠标,并做敲键盘与移鼠标的动作,在黑板较远的一角贴grandma的卡片。教师说:now i am sending the e-card to grandma.

板书sending an e-card,学生跟读。

3)教师放录音,请学生听录音后回答文后总是并书写答句。学生再跟读一遍录音,然后两人一组进行朗读练习。2、let’s play



3、story time教师**story time部分的录音。学生**,了解故事大意。二、操练。

学生听read and write部分的录音,读给同学听。三、巩固与延伸。

1、学生完成b部分read and write的配套练习2、将story time的故事说给父母听四达标练习。


todayis,are)my birthday. ihas,h**e)a party at home. my friends come to theparty.

iplays,play)games with them. and then, i make a birthday chart for them. amy’sbirthday ison,in)winter.

it’sin,on)january 3 rd mike’s birthday isin january, too. we can******, make)a snowman when it’s winter. wu yifan’s birthdayis in spring.

in spring, welikes,like)to plant jie’s birthday is in fall. fall is agood season. shelike,likes)fall.

she canfly flying) kites. zhang peng’s birthdayis in summerdo, how)about you, my friend?(二)选出不同类的单词。

) julyc. nov.()2. a. marchbaprilc. monday() 3. a. firstbfourc. five

) 4. cardb. letterc.

e---mail() 5 a. sundayb . 6.

7 8 a. tuesdaybfridayc,five() 9 amaybcancmay() 10 amarchbthirdcsecond


when., your, is, (

what, date, is (?

march, his, in, birthday (?

father′s, her, may, birthday, is (.

birthdays, many, there, how, april, in (?


spring festivaljanuary the firstnew year′s daymarch the twelfthnational dayaugust the firsttree—planting dayin january or februaryarmy dayoctober the firstwomen′s daymarch the eighth



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