
发布 2022-08-15 20:11:28 阅读 3046

unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.



. learning aims(学习目标)

1. key vocabulary(重点词汇): allow, drive, pierce, driver, license, silly

2. target language(目标语言): i think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

i agree. they… i disagree. they…

3. structure(结构):should be allowed to do

ⅱ. key points(重点): target language(目标语言)&structure(结构)

ⅲ. learning procedures(学习程序)



1. 和朋友外出2. 他们自己选衣服。

3. 做兼职工作4. 去购物中心。

5. 年纪不够大6. 不够严肃。



1. new words: allow v. 允许,准许 drive v. 驾驶;驾车

pierce v. 刺穿;刺破 license(=licence) n. 执照;许可证

silly adj. 愚蠢的;傻的。

2. what can you do or can’t do in your family?

task2: 课堂**。

1. 如何用be allowed to do 和be not allowed to do 来回答can do 和can’t do 的句子?

1). i am allowed to do homework with friends

2). i am not allowed to go out on school nights.


拓展提升: should be allowed to do, shouldn’t be allowed to do

2. 1a read the statements in 1a. circle “a”(for agree) or “d”(disagree).

总结归纳:should be allowed to, shouldn’t be allowed to…

造句: 3. 1b listen and circle “t” and “f”.

4. 1c pairwork read the sample conversation, then make conversations according to the instructions.


1. are you allowedwatch) tv every evening?

2. teenagers should beallow) to choose their own clothes.

3. students shouldn’t be allowedgo) out on school nights.

4. 我认为10岁的孩子不应该做兼职工作。



1. 巩固新词。

2. 练习1c部分的对话。


. learning aims(学习目标)

1. key vocabulary(重点词汇): earring, instead of

2. target language(目标语言):

i think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.

i disagree. they talk instead of doing homework.

sixteen-year olds should not be allowed to drive.

i agree. they aren't serious enough at that age.

do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night?

no, i don't.

ⅱ. key points(重点): target language(目标语言)

. learning procedures(学习程序)


1. i am allowed to

2. my brother isn’t allowed to

3. students shouldn’t allowed to

4. 16-year-olds shouldn’t be allowed tobecause


task1: 学习新词,并找出其所在的句子体会巩固。

new words: earring, instead of


task2: 2a listen and check what kathy thinks. circle “agrees”, disagrees” or “doesn’t know” to show what molly thinks.


task3: 2b

要求:read the list of the reasons in the box, the listen and number the reasons.

task4: pairwork

首先朗读grammar focus部分,然后根据不同情景进行对话练习。


用should be allowed to 和shouldn’t be allowed to 造句。



1. i don’t think sixteen-year-olds should___to go to the bars(酒吧).

a. allow b. be allowing c. be allowed d. not allow

2. a new bridge mustbuild) over the river.

3. she tells her son to get his hair___cut) every month.

4. today english is widelyspeak) all over the world.

5. li hua doesn’t seemstudy) hard at school.


. learning aims(学习目标)

1. key vocabulary(重点词汇): stay up

2. target language(目标语言):

what rules do you h**e at home?

well, i'm not allowed to go out on school nights. how about you?

i'm not allowed to go out on school nights either. but i can study at a friend's house.

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