unit3英语学科九年级 上 导学案

发布 2023-04-18 19:42:28 阅读 4887

unit3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. period1. grammar

课型】新课【课时】no.1 【编制人】李世龙 【班级姓名。


重、难点】(1)i think students should be allowed to do homework with friends. (2)sixteen -year-olds should not be allowed to drive . 3) habit-forming:

practice the conversation.

学法指导】1.自学p18~19页单词和1a,熟记grammar focus,组长负责听写。2.

通读grammar focus内容,并用双色笔勾出重点短语、句型和疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。





shouldn’t be allowed to get their ears p

can’t drive the car. because you don’t h**e a driver’s l

som is old eto go to school.



he took little money with him.(主语he发出动作took)

the mailbox is opened at 9 (主语the mailbox 是动作的承受者)

被动语态结构:be + 动词的过去分词。


the students clean the room every day. the room is cleaned by the students every day.


she g**e me a present. i was given a present by her.


they will open a new school in the village soon. a new school will be opened in the village soon.


mary is taking care of the children. the children are being taken care of by mary.


h**e you posted the letters yet? h**e the letters been posted yet?

变法: (1) 将主动结构中的宾语变为被动结构中的主语。

(2)将主动结构中的谓语变为 be + 动词过去分词。

(3)将主动结构中的主语变为 by + 宾语。

we play soccer.

soccer is played by us


respects the br**e old man.

elected mr li head of our workshop.

are turning china into a powerful industrial country.

can translate the difficult sentence into english.

asked her to tell a story.

pupils asked the teacher to tell a story.

can’t see the stars in the daytime.

must not take the books out of the library.

we water the trees every day ?

did you say at the meeting?

young people speak english.

mustn’t forget the history.

grows in china.



unit3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. period1. grammar

课型】新课【课时】no.2 【编制人】李世龙 【班级姓名】__


重、难点】1 habit-forming: "used to" sentence pattern

2 communicating: talk about how you h**e changed


通读课文,并用双色笔勾出重点短语、句型和疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。3.小组合作完成3b and 4内容,熟记主要对话并准备在课堂上展示。


1)girls aren't ato go out at night.

2)the boy is strong eto carry the he**y box.

3) "please show me your lthe man said to the shopkeeper.


1)i don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive

2)they aren't serious enough at that age.

3)they might be sorry later.

4)it's fun to watch.

5)i just want to be sure you get something nice



结构: 肯定句:主语 + should / will / must / can ..be + 动词过去分词+..

否定句:主语 + should / will / must / can ..not + be +

疑问句:should / will / must / can ..主语 + be +

we can write letters in english.(变被动语态)

sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to go out at night.(否定句)

**点二:should 句子的被动语态及用法。



3.用法: (1)表责任、义务。



当堂训练】1. wefor her because she never came.

a. needn’t wait b. shouldn’t h**e waited c. mustn’t wait d. mustn’t h**e waited

2. where is my pen? iit.

a. might lose b. would h**e lost c. should h**e lost d. must h**e lost

3. jannyh**e kept her word. i wonder why she changed her mind.


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