
发布 2023-04-16 14:40:28 阅读 9570


unit 3 let’s make a kite同步练习题。

part a同步训练。


t(风筝) t(切;削;剪)展示)



1. let me you how to make a

show b. help c. know(

2. please paint the picture a

to b. use c. with(

3. the pandas like eatinga.

meat b. rice c. bamboo(

4. we can use the knife to

glue b. cut c. tie三、给下列句子排序。

next, glue the picture on the blackboard.(

first, draw a picture with a pencil.(

and then cut out the colored picture.(

then, paint it with a brush.(

lastly, show the picture to the class.四、选词并用其适当形式填空。need tie ***** show make1.

can you your photos to us?2.

let’s a cake.3.

do you some apples?4.

please a string to the kite.5.

draw a line on a piece of五、根据汉语意思补全句子。


do you know how to2.


you how to make a kite.3.




a string the kite.5.


my beautiful kite!

part b同步训练。


please draw your picture on a piece of p .2.

there are many k in the sky.3.

peter展示) his homework to his mother.4.

(首先) use a pencil to draw a line.5.

next翻转) the picture back.二、给下列短语选择正确的翻译。

a kitea.在湖边。

to the class b.在湖里。

a lakec.把纸倒过来。

a tryd.一张纸。

the lakee.做一个风筝。

piece of ***** f.试一试。

the ***** upside down g.展示给全班同学看。


1. there are many trees the

in b. on c. by(

2. ican twocute rabbits in see b. look c. look at(

in b. out c. to(

4. please your picture upside cut b. show c. turn四、连词成句。

see, a, we, mountain, the, in, can, picture (.

cuts, knife, bamboo, the, with, a ,she (.

turn, next, the , back, picture (.

make, let’s , kite, a (.


a riddle(谜语)

but not in“ice”, my second is in“rose”and also in“rice”,mythirdisnotin“pencil”butin“*****”,my whole is a place where there is a lot of water. what ami?仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上(t)对或(f)不对。

) first letter of this word is“ second letter is both in“rose”and in“ third letter is in“ word means“a place with a lot of water”.(word is sea.


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