
发布 2023-04-16 14:42:28 阅读 4757



unit 3









eggplant茄子fish鱼green beans青豆tofu豆。

re=they are他们是fruit水果grape葡萄重点句型。

what do you h**e for lunch on mondays?你们星期一午饭吃什么?we h**e tomatoes, tofu and fish。

我们吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼。what's your f**ourite fruit?你最喜爱的水果是什么?

i like apples. they're sweet.我喜欢苹果。

它们是甜的。i like fruit. but i don't like grapes.

they're sour.我喜欢水果,但是我不喜欢葡萄,它们是酸的。

what would you like for lunch?你午饭想吃什么?

i'd like some tomatoes and mutton.我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉。i'm hungry.我饿了。

here is our school menu.这是我们学校的菜单。that sounds good.听起来不错。it's tasty.它很好吃。

it's my f**ourite.它是我最喜爱的。

what's your f**ourite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么?bananas are my f**ourite .

香蕉是我最喜爱的。i'm he**y now.我现在太重了。

i h**e to eat vegetables.我不得不吃蔬菜。句型。

引导的特殊疑问句,就一日三餐进行交际:whatdoyouh**eforbreakfast / lunch / dinner on +星期几,回答用:we h**e +食物(cabbage pork mutton eggplant(变成好几个不加东西) fish green

beans tofu potato(es) tomato(es))。例:a:

what do you h**e for lunch on mondays?b: we h**e tomatoes, tofu and fish.

2. what引导的特殊疑问句,谈论自己最喜爱的食物,并简要说明原因(tastysweetsourfreshsalty):what'syourf**ouritefruit/food?

i like +食物。例:

a: what's your f**ourite fruit?b: i like apples. they are sweet.

一、读单词,找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,并写出序号。( 1、a .cabbage b.

washroom c. cat d. h**e( )2、a.

music b. computer c. menu d.

mutton( )3、a. short b. pork c.

doctor d. fork( )4、a. that b.

those c. healthy d. this( )5、a.

sweater b. eat c. beans d.


like some don’t like oranges. they’re like apple juice. it’s my f**orite.


bean(复数tomato(复数)i’d like(完整形式thin(反义词)potato(复数let’s(完整形式)四、词组互译。

menu2. sounds good3. h**e to4.好吃又有益于健康。


1. what do you h**e for breakfast today? my f**orite food is fish.

2. what would you like for lunchno, we h**e cabbage and do you h**e any noodlesi’d like some fish and noodles.


)1. i don’t like grapes. they are b.

it’s c. they’re( )2. bananas my is b.

are c. like

) 3. i’m hungry. go to a let b. let’s c. lets( )4. cabbage and cucumber are .

a. meat b. vegetables c.

fruit( )5. oops! these noodles are to b.

two c. too( )6. it’s let’s h**ea.

breakfast b. lunch c. dinner( )7.

pork and mutton are

a. fruits b. meat c.

vegetables( )8. on mid-autumn day, people usually eata. zongzi b.

moon cake c. dumplings( )9. vinegar(醋) usually tastesa.

salty b. sour c. sweet

) 10. i’d like rice and muttonlunch forb. atc.

on( )11. carrot juice is healthy me!a.

with b. for c. at( )12.

–i’m hungry, mom.

oh! mew mew is hungrya. tob. two c. too


1. watermelon isi) f**orite fruit.

2. your school menusound) very good.3. i don’t like (orange). they’re sour.

4. usually we h**e some (eggplant) and bread for lunch

on tuesdays.

5. the hamburger istaste). it’s f**orite.6. opens! the noodles are toosalt)八、英汉互译。

1. we h**e mutton, fish and tofu today.2.

what do you h**e for lunch on thursdays? is your f**orite food?

4. i like apples because they are sweet.5.但是我不喜欢葡萄。



many people like apples, because (因为) apples are tasty and mutton so much. meat is helpful, but too much meat is badfor our health. so remember, always eat more(更多的) fruits, morevegetables but less meat.


1. apples are good for our health2. many kids eat cabbage too much3.

meat is bad for our healthy. don’t eat any meat4. more fruits, more vegetables are good for us5.

many kids like meat much more than vegetables6.文章中单词less的意思应该是:( a.


zip: i like pears. they are sweet. what’s your f**orite fruit,rabbit?

rabbit: i like carrot. it’s tasty for me.


zoom: is carrot juice your f**orite drink(饮料), monkey?monkey:

of course not. bananas are my about you, zoom?

zoom: ha! guess. my f**orite fruit is round and very green.

it’s sweet and juicy. we often eat it in summers. what is it?zip: i know!


zip’s f**orite fruit? does rabbit like? monkey’s f**orite drink carrot juice?

is monkey’s f**orite fruit?

what is zoom’s f**orite fruit? do you know?





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