
发布 2023-04-18 21:21:28 阅读 6908

pep小学五年级英语上册unit 4检测试题。


一、给下列的单词找到正确的翻译。(共10分,每小题2分)()1. watera.浇水,水() 2. helpfulb.花() 3. sweepc.垃圾。

) 4. trashd.有用的,有帮助的。

) 5. flowerse.打扫。


) 1. a. read booksb.

wash the clothesc. do homework() 2. a.

play footballb. do the dishesc. water the flowers() 3.

a. put away the clothesb. at homec.

at school() 4. a. sweepb.

cookc. meal

) 5. a. helpfulb.

play chessc. use a computer三、单项选择。(共20分,每小题2分)()1you helpful at home?

a. isb. arec.

am() 2. icook the amb. arec.

can() 3. what can you do __home?a.

inb. ofc. at() do youfor lunch today?

a. areb. h**ec. has() 5. _can you do?

a. whob. whatc. where

) 6.–can you clean the bedroom?–yes, i __a.

can’tb. doc. can() 7.

i’d like __a try.

a. h**eb. to h**ec. h**ing() 8. let’s___the bed.

a. dob. makec.

cook() 9.—are you helpful at homea. yes, you canb.

surec. no, you are.()10.

whatshe do?

a. areb. doc. can四、情景会话。(共10分,每小题2分)

)1.如果老师想问你在家能干什么,她会问: _

a. what can you do at home?b. what do you do at home?

) 2.当别人问你会做饭吗,你会回答:__a. yes, i yes, i can.

) 3.当别人说你做的饭菜香时,你会说:__

a. really?b. thank you.

)4. tom约你下棋,你很高兴,你会说:__

a. great!b. that is right.


a. reallyb. yes?


1. sweepa. the trash2.

emptyb. the flowers3. cookc.

the meals4. waterd. the clothes5.

washe. the floor


a. are you helpful at home, chen jie?b. what can you do?c. sure.

d. i can sweep the floor. i can cook the great! you’re helpful.


) 1. what can you do?a.

she can water the flowers() 2. what can sarah do?b.

fish.()3. can you make the bed?

c. sure.()4.

are you helpful at school?d. no, i can’t.

) 5. what’s your f**ourite food?e. i can wash the clothes.八、选词填空。(共10分,每小题2分)

canhelpfulcan’ can do the housework.2.--can you wash the clothes?

–yes, i __3.__can you do? _a math teacher.

5.--can you set the table?–no, i __九、连词成句。(共6分,每小题2分)

1. canwhatyoudo2. amihelpful

3. youcanthe floorsweep十、阅读短文,判断正(t)误(f)。(共4分,每小题1分)

and he can sweep the floor and empty the trash, too. he’s helpful at home.()1.

john is 6 years old.

) 2. john can’t water the flowers.()3. john is helpful at home.

) 4. john can sweep the floor and empty the trash.


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