
发布 2023-04-18 16:46:28 阅读 8330


学习目标:1.学习本单元单词:guest, arrive at/ in, parcel, rack, disc, blow, stop, around

2.掌握现在进行时的特殊疑问句what …doing?及其回答以及情态动词must的运用。

3.听说和阅读理解grand theater,掌握描述生日聚会的常用语句及描述游戏规则的常用语句,并能根据主话题写6——8句话。



知识梳理:1. 词组的归纳:

1. h**e a sports meet 开运动会。

2. be silly 犯傻

3. in the school band 在学校乐队。

4. a good chance 一个好机会。

5. take this chance 把握机会。

6. musical instrument 乐器。

7. hobby group 兴趣小组。

8. swimming pool 游泳池。

9. stand on his back feet用它的后腿站立。

10. in a hurry 匆忙。

11. a football fan 球迷。

12. take it back to school 带回学校。

13. shark aquarium 鲨鱼馆。

14. the other side of the river 河的另一边。

15. the person next to him 在他旁边的人。

16. get a form from sandy from the school 得到一张来自于sandy 学校的**。

17. be interested in sth.

be interested in doing sth. 对……感兴趣/对做某事感兴趣。

18. a form from… 一份来自……的**。

19. would like to do sth.=want to do sth. 想要做某事。

20. signature of parent 家长的签名

21. play+ the +乐器 play the piano

play + 球类 play football

play +with+ 玩具/人 play with yo-yo/ play with me

22. learn sth. 学习某事

learn to do sth. 学习做某事

23. take sth. back to sp. 把…..带回到…….

24. like to do sth./ doing sth.

25. stand at sb. 对…….微笑。

26. jump on sb. 跳到……身上。

27. as+形容词原级…as 与……一样 eg: as happy as/ as warm as

28. go for a walk 散步。

29. start doing sth. =start to do sth开始做某事。

30. would like to do =want to do 想要做……

31. be late for sth. 做某事迟到。

guest 客人、宾客、旅客、顾客。

we're expecting guests to dinner.我们正等候客人进餐。旅客;顾客。

the manager showed the guests to their room.经理把旅客领到他们房间。

arrive 到达、来临。

what time does the plane arrive in new york? 飞机什么时候到达纽约?

the train arrived late at the station. 火车到达车站时已经晚点了。

parcel 邮包、包裹。

this parcel is from the usa. 这个包裹是从美国寄来得。

i’m taking this parcel to the post office.我正要到邮局去寄这个包裹。



only two days remained before the exam.考前只剩下两天了。

check it carefully before handing it in.交来之前仔细核对一下。

2) (指顺序、重要性等)在。之前,先于。

your name comes before mine.你的名字在我之前。

3) 在。前面;在。面前。

he paused before the door. 他在门前停顿了一下。

talk 讲话、谈话、演讲 (+to/with/about)

i want to talk to my class teacher.我想和我的班主任谈谈。

they often talk about you.他们常常谈起你。

don't talk so loud.谈话声音别这么大。

2. 句型的整理:

what +be + sb. +doing? 某(些)人正在干什么?

what are the boys doing in the playground? 男孩们在操场上干什么?

they are playing football. 他们在踢足球。

what is your mother doing now? 你的妈妈现在正在干什么?

she’s cooking in the kitchen. 她正在厨房里做饭。

sb. must do… 某(些)人必须做某事。

we must keep quiet in the reading room. 在阅览室要保持安静。

we must listen carefully in class. 上课的时候要仔细听讲。

we mustn’t walk on the grass.我们不可以走在草地上。

there be… 存在(有)

there’s a lady at the gate. 大门口有位女士。

there are some books on the shelf. 架子上有一些书。

there’s no disk in the cd-rack. cd架子上没有碟片。


when i sing this song, i will feel very happy. 当我唱起这首歌,我就会感到非常快乐。

when i was a little girl, i had a dream of flying in the sky. 当我还是小女孩时我就梦想能在天空中飞翔。

h**e to 必须,不得不。

1) it is a pity that we shall h**e to le**e tomorrow.我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。

2) we h**e to h**e a rest and take some food. 我们必须吃点东西。

精讲精练:unit 2


1. blow grow house tomorrow

2. parcel red bed guest

3. great clean tree meal

4. rack grandma many happy


1. my father __like) jogging. but he __not do) it yesterday.

2. jenny __h**e) a picnic this weekend.

3. where is tom? oh, he __draw) in his room.

4. it’s cold outside. please __not take) off your coat.

5. how __mike __go) to school? he __ride) to school.

6. my father read many books when hebe) young.

7. rose __play) the piano just now.

8. the students must __keep) the classroom clean.

9. will you please __go to the park with me?

10. do you likeplay) football? yes, i like it very much.

三、选择: ) 1. look, there are many discs __the cd rack.

a. onb. inc. at

) 2. yesterday morning we __grandma’s house __half past nine.

a. arrived in/at b. arrive at/in c. arrived at/at

) 3. let me show youour school.

a. aroundb. inc. at

) 4. there is __milk in this bottle __in that bottle.


五年级英语第七讲。学习目标 1.学习本单元单词 terrible,spend,bright,forecast,wait,most,piece.2.复习巩固掌握现在进行时和一般将来时的句型结构与功能。3.听说和阅读理解grand theatre 语言材料,并能根据主题写8 10句话。4.掌握元音音标。...

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