
发布 2020-04-11 07:12:28 阅读 8634


学习目标:1. 学习本单元单词:terrible, spend, bright, forecast, wait, most, piece.

2. 复习巩固掌握现在进行时和一般将来时的句型结构与功能。

3. 听说和阅读理解grand theatre 语言材料,并能根据主题写8-10句话。

4. 掌握元音音标。

5. 朗读rhyme语音、语调、节奏基本正确。

6. 根据实际情况编写weather report,并能告诉班级同学。

7. 能用不同的话语介绍不同的天气情况。

知识梳理:1. 词组的归纳:

1. a modern city 一个现代化城市。

2. in museums 在博物馆里。

3. maglev train磁悬浮列车。

4. chinese knots 中国结。

5. ***** cuts剪纸。

6. silk scarves 真丝丝巾。

7. silk clothes丝绸衣服。

8. buy presents for friends 买礼物给朋友。

9. in a lovely teahouse 在可爱的茶室。

10. take a lot of photos 拍许多**。

11. along the bund 沿着外滩。

12. feel excited 感到兴奋。

13. h**e a good view 有一个好的景色。

14. a full spoon of sugar 满满的一勺糖。

15. h**e a bird’s-eye view of shanghai 鸟瞰上海的景色。

16. a beautiful modern city 一个漂亮的现代化城市。

spend (spending spent) 花费,度过。

the whites spent their vacation in paris. 怀特一家在巴黎度过了假期。

i spend an hour reading everyday. 我每天阅读一小时。

bright 明亮的,聪明的。

the windows in our classroom are bright and clean.我们教室里的窗既干净又明亮。

tom is the brightest child in our family. 汤姆是我们家最聪明的孩子。

forecast 预报。

forecaster =weatherman **者(尤指天气预报员)

wait 等待。

i am waiting for my grandma. 我在等外婆。

please wait a minute. 请稍等一会。

most 大多数。

most boys like playing computer games. 大多数男孩都喜欢打电脑游戏。

most people in america h**e cars of their own. 大部分美国人都有汽车。

i spend most time learning english. 大部分时间我花在学习英语上。

this is the most beautiful flower in the vase. 这是花瓶里最漂亮的一朵。

here comes a group of foreign tr**elers. most of them are from australia.


h**e to 不得不。

i h**e to go now. 我不得不走了。

children do not h**e to cross busy streets to go to school. 孩子们不必穿越繁忙的街道去上学。

the clock doesn’t work. he has to buy another one. 钟坏了,他不得不再去买一个。

he has to pass the examination before he can start work. 他必须通过考试才能开始工作。

2. 句型的整理:

dialogue 1:

- what are you doing, mom?

- i’m washing some fruits.

- are you going to make fruit salad?

- yes.

- great. i like it.

dialogue 2:

- what are you talking about?

- we are talking about the weather.

- you h**e plan of going out?

- yes, we are going to h**e a trip to hangzhou tomorrow.

- good. can i go with you?

- sure.

dialogue 3:

- what are they doing?

- they are preparing for tomorrow’s sports meet.

- oh. i see. are you going to take part in the meeting?

- yes, i am good at running and playing basketball.

精讲精练:unit 7


1. food foot book look 2. blue cool fruit put

3. wait play day want 4. more most short corn


1. most of china __be) bright and sunny tomorrow.

2. don’t go out. it’srain) very hard.

3. samnot go) to school on foot. he __take) a bus there.

4. let mehelp) you with your lessons.

5. i can make the waterbecome) in red.

6. shall wego) for a picnic this weekend.

7. tom usuallygo) to the gym by bike, but this morning hewalk) there.

8. we __not h**e) any lesson last tuesday afternoon.

9. terrybe not) in the language lab just now.

10. you’d betterdrink) more waterkeep) your health.

三、选择: ) was raining___a little snow last sunday.

a. and b. with c. for

)2. zhejiang and shanghai will __tomorrow.

a. rainy b. h**e rain c. raining

)3. mum is out. i h**e __make lunch by myself.

a. for b. toc. of

)4. my father is __me in front of the gate.

a. waiting b. waiting to c. waiting for

)5. most sheep in this group __from australia.

a. is b. arec. comes

)6. will you go

a. far somewhere b. interesting place c. somewhere far

)7. i am hungry now. i __some steamed bread.

a. would like b. want toc. like to

)8. i can’t go to school because i __ill yesterday.

a. wasb. amc. shall

)9.the exam is too difficult __me __do it.


五年级英语第二讲。学习目标 1 学习本单元单词 guest,arrive at in,parcel,rack,disc,blow,stop,around 2 掌握现在进行时的特殊疑问句what doing?及其回答以及情态动词must的运用。3 听说和阅读理解grand theater,掌握描述生日...


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六年级秋季思维训练 第七讲

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