
发布 2023-03-15 23:43:28 阅读 2885


卷心菜猪肉豆腐羊肉potatoeggplantfishgreen beanstomato二、选择题。

1you like for lunch?--i’d like some fish and somepotatoes.

a. what dob. what wouldc. what doesd. what

2h**e eggplant?--sorry, no do ourb. does theyc. dod. do you

3 ()what do you h**elunch?--i h**e pork, potatoes, tomatoesand fish.

todayb. to, todayc. in, dayd. at, today


a. fishesb. eggc. eggplantd. soups三、句型练习。

1. i am hungry. (改为缩略形式) do you do in breakfast?

(改错)3. likedinnerwouldwhatyou(?)连词成句)4.

i’deggstomatoespotatoessomeandlike(,,连词成句)5. i like eggplate and fish.(改为一般疑问句)五、填空。


my f**ourite(最喜欢的) food is(只能填一个).i h**e breakfast at(填时间).i h**e lunch h**e dinner


1. (a. ourb.

yellowc. windowd. grow2.

()a. floorb. frogc.

flagd. flow3. (a.

fromb. fridgec. flowerd.

frog4. (a. cowb.

ourc. owld. snow三、句型练习。

1. yourisfoodwhatf**ourite(?)连词成句) like fruit.

and i don’t like grapes. (改错) like apples. (改为一般疑问句) you like vegetables?


like beef, i’m he**y now. (再合适的地方加上一个词)


mum: what’s your?amy: fish.

chen jie: i like fish,.i don’t like grapes, they’re sour.

五、从三个方框中选择单词,并组成3句话。example:i like fish.

二、读句子,写出本单元中和画线部分同类的单词。(10分) like some don’t like oranges. they’re like apple juice.

it’s my f**orite.五、将a、b左右两栏的句子连线。(4分)ab

do you h**e for breakfast today?my f**orite food is fish.

would you like for lunch?no, we h**e cabbage and your f**orite food?i h**e pork and cabbage for you h**e any noodles?

i’d like some fish and noodles.六、选择填空。(12分)()1.

i don’t like they areb. it’

) 3. i’m to a letb. let’sc. lets

) fruit

) too) dinner

) 7. pork and mutton fruitsb.

) 8. on mid-autumn day, people usually zongzib. moon

)醋) atc. on

) at) 12.–i’m hungry, mom.-oh!

mew mew is hungry,.a. tob.

twoc. too七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(12分)1.

watermelon is(i) f**orite fruit.

school menu(sound) very good.

don’t like(orange). they’re sour.

we h**e some(eggplant) and bread for lunchon hamburger is(taste). it’s f**orite.

6. opens! the noodles are too(salt)


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