人教版五年级英语上册unit 3复习

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unit 1 what ’s he like?


——what’s he/she like? 他/她为人怎么样?

— he/she is kind/… 他/她人很慈善/..

例如:—what is mike like?

—mike is very helpful

—what is she like?

—she is polite and shy


is he/she…?他/她人是。样的吗?

yes, he/she is.

no, he/she isn’t.

例如:—is she strict?她是不是很严格?

—yes,she is

—no,she isn’t

—is he kind? 他是不是体贴?

—yes,he is

—no,he isn’t


—do you know…? 你认识。吗?

—yes, i do.

—no, i don’t

—do you know mr young?你认识杨老师吗?

—yes,i do

—no, i don’t

4、be动词的三种形式am, is, are与人称代词连用的用法:

i + am,

he, she, it,人名、物名+ is

we, you, they + are

例如:i am polite

you are helpful

she is kind/ is strict

unit 2 my week

1、 询问做什么事/活动:

—what do you often do …?你经常做。

—i often play ping-pong… 我经常。

例如:—what do you do on saturdays?

i often watch tv at home

2、 询问星期几上什么课:

—what do you h**e on…? 你们在。时上什么课?

—we h**e english class… 我们上。

例如:—what do you h**e on monday?

i h**e math and chinese 我们上数学和英语课。


—do you often read books?

—yes, i do.

—no, i don’t.

unit 3 what would you like?


—what would you like to eat/drink? 你想要吃/喝。

—i’d like…我想要。

例如:—what would you like to eat for breadfast?

—i would like milk and eggs

—what would you like to drink?

—i would like to drink juice


—what’s your f**ourite food/vegetable/…?

—my f**ourite food/…is…

i like…

例如:—what’s your f**orite food?

—my f**orite food is salad

i like salad best


1. short (反义词2、young (反义词。

3、thin (反义词4、 tuesday (缩写形式。

5、sun. (完全形式6、 tomato (复数形式。

7、fun (形容词8、 like (第三人称单数形式。

9、know (同音词10、who’s (完全形式。


(in, on, am, are, like, to, and, don’t, often, happy, funny, too, h**e, has, for)

i a student. i go to school from monday friday. we

english, math and computer tuesdays. icomputer. on saturdayssundays, we go to school.

i watch tv. sometimes i do sports. i do my homeworki amon weekends.


1. our english teacher is sbut he’s kind.(严格的)

2.“what’s she lshe isn’t active. she is q___文静的)

3. what would you like for l___午餐)

4. we all like m___class , because we can sing and dance in class.(**)


1. i’d like some carrot juice.(对划线部分提问)

___would you

monday today. (对划线部分提问)

is it today ?

is kind.(改为一般疑问句)

___he kind ?

3. it’s saturday .(就划线部分提问)

4. i like pork for lunch. (改为否定句)

5. i h**e to eat vegetables.(译成中文)

you h**e noodles作肯定回答)


8. we h**e art and music at monday. (改错句)

—today is friday .(根据答句写问句)


1、h**e , what , fridays , do , you , on ,

2、we , music , on , h**e , and , wednesdays .

3、you , what , saturdays , do , on , do ?

4、is , today , tuesday .

5、i , homework , often , do , watch , my , and , tv .


a: hello, miss white

b: sure.

ab: yes, i like weekends.

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