
发布 2023-03-10 01:54:28 阅读 6779

七年级下unit 1 can you play the guitar?


english /chinese 讲英语/ 讲汉语 2 pay the guitar/the drums/the piano /violin 弹吉他。

chess/soccer/volleyball 下棋,,踢足球 the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部。

join the art club 加入艺术俱乐部 join the chess club 加入象棋俱乐部。

join the music club 加入**俱乐部 join a sports club 加入一个运动俱乐部。

join the story telling club加入讲故事俱乐部。

good at doing sth. =do well in doing擅长干某事。

sb. stories= tell stories to sb. 给某人讲故事, write stories写故事

to sb. 与某人说话 talk with sb. 与某人交谈 talk about 谈论…..

chinese kung fu 表演中国功夫 show sth to sb. 给某人出示事某物。

sb. with (doing )sth./ help sb. (to )do sth.. 帮助某人干某事。

good with sb. 善待某人 sb to do sth. 需要某人干某事。

country 讲英语的国家 sb. at….给某人打**。

students’ sports center ****中心 friends with sb.与某人交朋友。

17. at the old people’s home 在老年之家 free 有空 be busy 繁忙。


1. can you __swim) ?yesno

2he __play) chess? yes, he can./ no

3. can you and jill __play) chess? yesno

4. ab: i can dance but i can’t sing.

5. ab: we want to join the chess club.


1)单选。sister __piano .a.

does play the b. can play the c. can plays d.

can plays the

can play __chess but he can’t play __violin.

a. the , the b. /the c. the , d. /

3 if he wants __he can join the __club

a. to swims , swimming b. to swim, swim c. to swim, swimming d. swims, swimming

ito you father ? a. tell c. speak d. say

5. what does hea. tell c. speak d. say

6.__him to do his homework. a. tell c. speak d. say

7. li lei is good __drawing ,he can be good __chidren.

a. for, with b. at, with c. at, for d. for ,at

can play the guitar , he can’t play it __

a. or, good b. and ,well c. but, good d. but ,well

you good at

a. playing the drum b. playing the drums drums d. to play the drums

want two musicians __the school show . please call us __82698813.

a. for, of b. for, at c. in , at d. to, for

wants __me __the swimming ?

a. to help, for b. to help ,with c. helps , with d. help, in

can’t sing __can’t, _

a. or, either b. and , too c. or , too d. and , either

tom play the piano or the violin? b

a. yes,he does b. no,he doesn’t c. yes ,he play the piano d. he plays the violin

you likelet’s __to the library.

a. reading , going b. read , go c. reading ,go d. reads , going


16. she wants加入) the游泳俱乐部)

very good at讲故事).

brother canplay) the violin but he can’t __画画)

are good**家),they can sing __好).

20 come and___join )_we) .we need a teacherteach) _we) english.

can help you with __跳舞).

help the girl __find) her mother.

can’t __说话)in class.

sings can___be) in the school music festival.

at the says,” teachers __want) for weekend class”.

3) 句型转换。

wants to join the art club.(划线提问。

can play the guitar.



shows me her photos.(同义句) he___her photos __me.

can play the piano ,too.( 否定句) ithe piano

often helps her mom do the housework.( 同义句)

he oftenher mom __the housework.

is good at playing the violin. (同义句)

tomplaying the violin.

7. you can be in our school music festival.(一般疑问句)

our school music festival?

can play soccer and basketball. (划线提问。


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