
发布 2022-07-22 17:58:28 阅读 3495

unit 1 教学导案一。


课前预习:greet people


)1. good morning, helena. good afternoon!

)2. hi, eric! how are youb. i am fine, thank you.

)3. good evening, lucyc. hello, alice!

)4. hello, daled. good evening, cindy!

)5. good afternoon, miss green! e. good morning, jack!

identify things

introduce yourself; greet people; ask for and give telephone number


ab1. what’s your namea. her name is gina.

2. hello, my name is bobb. it is 0546-8776548.

3. what’s her namec. my name is mary.

4. what’s your telephone number? d. li.

5. what’s his family namee. nice to meet you, too.

6. nice to meet youf. hi, i am mary.

过程导学:1.【原文再现】—my name is jenny.

i’m gina. nice to meet you!

精讲**】双方初次见面经介绍后常说nice to meet you. 这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。也可以用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。

回答一般用nice to meet you, too. 或直接用me, too! 如:

hello! i’m tom. what’s your name? 你好!我叫汤姆。你叫什么名字?

hello! i’m jack. nice to meet you. 你好!我叫杰克,见到你很高兴。

nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。

及时小练】—nice to meet you.

a. hello! b. how are you? c. good morning. d. nice to meet you, too.

2.【原文再现】—what’s your name?


也可以直接说:your name, please? 请问您叫什么名字?

答语一般有三种形式:a. my name is+姓名;b.

i am +姓名;c. 直接用姓名。如:

—i’m john. what’s your name? 我叫约翰。

你叫什么名字?—my name is mary. /i’m mary.

/mary. 我叫玛丽。


this is my sister. her name is jenny. 这是我妹妹,她的名字叫詹妮。

及时小练】my name is jim green. (划线部分提问)

name?3.【原文再现】—what’s your telephone number, li xin?

it’s 281-9176.

精讲**】what’s your telephone number? 你的**号码是多少?此句型是用来询问**号码的特殊疑问句,注意疑问词不能用how many。

可用“it’s +号码”来作答。如:

what’s his telephone number? 他的**号码是多少?

it’s 0531是0531

及时小练his telephone number?

it’s 135***

a. how many b. who c. what d. what’s


)1. what’s this in englisha. good morning!

)2. good morning, miss wangb. i am fine, thank you.

)3. how are youc. c-l-o-c-k.

)4. good afternoon, lucyd. it is a pen.

)5. spell it, pleasee. good afternoon, jack!

identify colors

补全对话。a: good morning, sue.b1a2

b: i am fine, thanks. and you?

a3look, what is this in english?

b4a: a ruler5

b: r-u-l-e-r.

a6b: it is white.


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